To preempt the conversation directly from Bungie I have decided that this is the appropriate time to drop my compiled thoughts. Likely just in time to get eclipsed, but hopefully not completed. I will try to keep this concise. However, I would love feedback on the considerations and suggestions. These are more my dream changes than anything. Secions are numbered for easier reference. So, without further delays:
[0.0a] My feelings on the game overall are highly positive, though I will not be getting into great depth about most of the aspects I greatly appreciate. That means that the majority of any comments I have regarding PvE aren't really useful here. Most of the items I see as issues in those spaces can be fixed by carrying over from PvP as Destiny has tended to do in the past. And that is where we hit a doozy. My experience with PvP in Destiny 2 is predominantly one of suffering. Lots of suffering.
[0.0b] There are three main areas that I have considered to most hinder, and have the most opportunity to improve, my experience in Crucible. First, and biggest for me, is the lumping together of abilities, mods, and fixed rolls. Second is related specifically to matchmaking functionality and how that relates to both team sizes and game modes. Third is that thing of nebulous sandbox balance. All of these overlap to create an experience that, from my perspective, lacks the vitality that Dest1ny had through its life span while encouraging relatively disappointing gameplay loops. Some aspects may overlap, so I apologize in advance if any of the items seem to be repetitive.
Abilities, Mods, and Rolls
[1.1a] Abilities, to me, were the heart of what made Dest1ny stand out as a shooter. The core gameplay loop and shooting were solid, but the abilities were what brought in the character. I will admit, the implimentation led in many ways to a reliance on abilities for a lot of players, but Des2ny swings too far in the opposite side. Acknowledging that these numbers are the best information I have available, consider the following:
[1.1b] In Dest1ny the baseline ability cooldown for Grenades and Abilities was 60 seconds. Within that there were 5 tiers to improve your cooldown, and each one was roughly 10-11% of a cooldown. Tier 1 to I believe about 54 seconds and Tier 2 was about 49 seconds. Tier 5 was 25 seconds. In Des2ny the baseline cooldown is 83 seconds, about a 37% increase, while you can apply up to two mods for a specific offensive ability, reducing your ability cooldown to 69 seconds, a 15% increase from Dest1ny's Tier 0.
[1.1c] The decision to slow cooldowns across abilities (numbers vary among certain abilitys, such as Firebolt grenades and Hunter thrown melees) has a highly detrimental effect to gameplay by limiting options available to players. The class perks and exotics that will return abilities faster if you specialize your playstyle help alleviate this to a small degree, but not enough to keep abilities tactically viable as they are unavailable in a vast majority of engagements. I definitely don't feel that going back to a grenade every 25 seconds is reasonable (even if enjoyable) however I would consider that a timeframe more in line with D1's Tier 0-2 would be an appropriate middle ground.
[1.2a] Mods were a system I was super excited for when I first heard about them. The potential of any system like that will almost never be lived up to, though. No, I wasn't expecting anything as involved as Diablo 2 socket systems. But I was hoping for more than damage type swaps and a small selection of character boosts. This area leads to a much more involved volume of change I will cover along side my concerns for fixed rolls. However, I did like that I could apply Legendary mods to improve my overall power and to directly manipulate my own gear progress. The inclusion of Counterbalance, Handling, and Reload mods that are weapon agnostic is also appreciated.
[1.2b] However, the specialization of mods led pretty quickly to irritation in the system. As an example, having a +1 Resilience Mod that I can't equip on my leg armor because it is explicitly for Warlock Bonds felt arbitrary in the worst way, especially when you start filling up your 50 slot inventory. Unifying the mods in the inventory and allowing them in whatever slots they are designed for would go a long way to a less bloated system. Which also ties into how I would retool mods in light of fixed rolls, immediately refilling the inventory.
[1.3a] Fixed rolls are a blessing and a curse. Even with learning that archetypes will have hidden perks built into them (such as Precision having native Counterbalance) they still feel disappointing. My D1 comparison (selected in part for the fixed roll) here relates to everyone's favorite Hand Cannon, Fatebringer, and the D2 favored PvP Hand Cannon, Better Devils. Their biggest difference is integrated synergy. Fatebringer has 3 perks which were popular to bring about a highly focused and enjoyable weapon - Firefly, Explosive Rounds, and Outlaw. Two of these trigger on precision kills and two deal AOE damage. In contrast, Better Devils has Explosive Rounds.
[1.3b] This, more than anything, is why I feel the fixed rolls miss the mark. Many people complain that they don't feel that chasing weapons is exciting anymore. I tend to agree with them. However, I don't think it is just because repeat drops lack variety (they do, but that's identified) or that once you find a few weapons that work for you the rest are for breaking down. Even with my desire to collect gear I don't get excited for new weapons. It is the fact that there are not any refreshing loops to be found like what Fatebringer brings to the table. Armor is mostly just aesthetics, depending on how much you chase the 2/4/9 meta (or whatever is popular these days) or what have you.
[1.3c] So I have a pretty major change up suggestion which retains fixed rolls and expands the mod selection and purposes. That crazy change? A second mod slot for each weapon and piece of armor. How mods get used for power boosting could be retained, where only one slot actually allows for the +5 power, but then we expand to have mods for weapons that are a set of 3-5 per archetype that can be used, with overlap as appropriate, allowing you to synergize perks (such as having a weapon with Rampage allowing a High-Impact Reserves mod) for weapons, and expand functionality (such as the old grenade throw distance, energy for orbs, or faster melee) for armor, while retaining the existing flavors. This allows both fixed rolls and a degree of random drops, even if there are only a handful of possible options, while also allowing players agency in the perks of their gear if they drop with something they don't like as much.
Matchmaking, teams, and modes
[2.1a] Matchmaking is a separate beast when it comes to killing fun. The combination of matching parties against individuals and randomized playlists is probably the biggest offender here. In past games, D1 included, I used to be able to solo queue and have a good time. I have not had the experience on either XBO or PC for D2. Sometimes Join-in-Progress feels broken, getting thrown into losing matches with insufficient time to turn them around (and no super energy so that's fun) or never even topping off a match when someone leaves within the first 30 seconds. Anecdotally I played a game where my team of 3 loaded in with a single and a pair. It put the single on our team, and never loaded in new players for the enemy team. I felt bad.
[2.1b] With all games being the "more competitive" 4v4, one player is not as much of a drag as it is with 3v3, but it is noticeably more than it was in a 6v6. I already have issues with the push to make all PvP "more competitive" instead of "more enjoyable" because I'm getting older and less sweaty as time goes on. But that doesn't mean I can't get into a competitive game. Titanfall 2 and Lawbreakers can attest to that. However, the fact that it is the only way to play means that I am not necessarily super happy to play an inherently more competive style of play. This lends itself to pretty substantial matchmaking changes.
[2.2a] So how would I change this up? In 3 ways, specifically. First, move from the 2 playlist structure to a 4 playlist structure. Two "chill" and two "sweaty" modes per week, not counting Trials or IB events. Second, Include FFA, 3v3, 4v4, and 6v6 playlist options. 6v6 would only be on the chill side, 3v3 would only be on the sweaty side. Third, shift the baseline experience to either Mayhem, Core, or Trickle. With the prior suggested ability changes (specifically cooldown) that would be Core. Trickle would better resemble our current ability charge rates and would be tweaked to better suit more competitive, team oriented play for all the folks who enjoy MIDA team shooting (I joke) as the height of fun. Mayhem would be Mayhem. Lists can be mix bags of modes or dedicated modes as desired. This would keep it from becoming a dozen playlists, but allow for rotating playlists, hopefully always having something that will scratch an appropriate itch.
[3.1a] The last part I'll touch on is sandbox balance. Overall there are very few abilities I have issues with so I'll focus more on the weapon side of the sandbox. Mostly only power weapons, actually. I really enjoy the Kinetic/Energy dynamic. However, Power weapons pretty much all feel off to me. Shotguns really feel like they should be more reliable at their longer ranges because they've been moved to that slot. Rockets generally feel really inconsistent on their actual splash damage. And for how easy sword kills seem to be I'm not sure the ammo drop is very balanced. Anecdotally, most power weapons don't feel powerful. I will admit, it is possible all of my experiences are due to latency issues (can we get dedicated servers, please?) but I definitely feel like the whole power weapon slot needs to be looked at.
[3.1b] And speaking of, Power Ammo as the only map draw is kind of disappointing, actually. Especially with how it works in clash to draw everyone to one part of a map and then abandoning half the map to stick the other bricks off in other corners. For Clash specifically, rotating or randomized Power Spawn locations could improve the overall map flow experience, as for the most part it is just pretty stale tug-of-war. The real objective modes (Control and Countdown) both suffer from what feels like a desire to push the team combat into a competitive format, similar to Overwatch, without actually taking the focus that makes Overwatch engaging on a competitive level. For those unaware, there is only ever one objective at a time in Overwatch and there is always an objective. This really supports the high level team coordination. Whereas the distributed focus of Des2ny would better support more individual skill (available abilities and map design with more mobility options in mind) which has been downplayed in the overall design.
[3.1c] I would propose one way to encourage wider map usage would be to bring in ability charges on the maps. Just as grenades were on-map in Halo. Allow a player to pick one up and have a 10 second debuff before they can pick up another, but you get 1/3 of the charge of your abilities. These can be kept to the peripheral but high traffic areas to allow for motivation for higher map usage without just putting power ammo spawns everywhere. For more competitive purposes I would also consider dedicated power weapona ammo points. Perhaps one where you can only pick up shotgun ammo or rocket ammo. This could allow for more dynamic power ammo spawns and varied cooldowns based on the ammo type. These are a little more spinfoil-hatted ideas, but I think playing up some of the Arena Shooter roots could be nice.
[3.2a] Map design has ups and downs. Most maps tend to work well for their main gametypes. And different areas better supporting different weapons based on engagement ranges are pretty nice. Some maps feel like they were built for 6v6 and some feel like they'd work better as FFA or 3v3. But we don't have those. Change ups to items available (classic power ups maybe) on the maps or even Forge-styled modifications (such as closing off the center tunnels in some maps or such) could lead to much more gameplay variety depending on the mode being played or volume of players. I'd love to have a Forge mode anyway. And a theater mode. But I digress.
[3.2b] Maps could use more variety in heights and level of design interest. Most maps are 1-2 layers at most. The most tactical map usage in many matches is camping a corner with a sword. That's an exaggeration. But still. I know quite a few people who have expressed similar disappointment. The maps aren't bad by any stretch even if some are unbalanced for certain modes, but it would be nice to have more variety in landscapes and number of layers.
[3.3a] The Core gameplay loop is enjoyable, if sluggish. The higher TTK leads to team fights, but the objectives imply individual skill that isn't supported by available abilities and mobility options. The objects of interest on maps are intermittent but consistent. It gives a nice amount of flow, but like with mods and fixed rolls, I think that it leaves me wanting. I don't personally feel like any weapon or archetype is over powering from a mechanical standpoint. MIDA is popular because it is comfortable. High Caliber Rounds is blown out of proportion, though it definitely helps in many fire fights.
[3.3b] However, of note, is that the differences between PC and Console are pretty vast and in some regards definitely not in favore of console play. I normally prefer to play on consoles for most games. The tactile experience of the controller, the living room setting. It's fun. But the game is hurt by having a higher reliance on reticle and bullet magnetism to counteract overblown recoil than what I feel it needs to be. Playing KBM on PC makes weapons that are barely manageable on console into weapons that are fun to use. I feel like I am just trusting the Random Number God when I use an SMG on console while I feel like I am actually in control on PC. Fusion Rifles, too. I honestly think a tone-down of recoil systems on console with a reasonable reduction in aim-assisting features would benefit the overall experience on consoles.
I haven't played the PC version. Anyone agree with this?
by Funkmon , Tuesday, November 28, 2017, 23:36 (2631 days ago) @ Harmanimus
The idea that PC makes lame guns fun, and if it could be fixed by lower bullet magnetism and lower recoil.
Any other gameplay differences?
I'm playing on PS4 and PC and completely agree
by peaksutah, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 08:46 (2631 days ago) @ Funkmon
PVP on PC is pretty amazing
I'm playing on PS4 and PC and completely agree
by MacAddictXIV , Seattle WA, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 11:21 (2631 days ago) @ peaksutah
PVP on PC is pretty amazing
I've heard that part of the reason it's amazing is because people suck on PC :-P
Not even kidding.
I'm playing on PS4 and PC and completely agree
by Harmanimus , Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 11:24 (2631 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV
The overall player base is no better or worse than the minor shifts between Xbox and PS were in D1, where Xbox Crucible was always slightly more competitive. Albeit I do run into more blueberries on PC that seem to have no idea where they are or how they got there.
I'm playing on PS4 and PC and completely agree
by MacAddictXIV , Seattle WA, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 11:30 (2631 days ago) @ Harmanimus
The overall player base is no better or worse than the minor shifts between Xbox and PS were in D1, where Xbox Crucible was always slightly more competitive. Albeit I do run into more blueberries on PC that seem to have no idea where they are or how they got there.
I mostly heard this in regard to trials Xbox vs PC. Apparently trials on PC is pathetically easy compared to XBox. I've this from a couple of guys that are pretty good at trials anyway but still.
Trials is a billion times easier on PC
by Beorn , <End of Failed Timeline>, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 11:30 (2631 days ago) @ Harmanimus
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Get behind me, Satan!
by Kermit , Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 11:35 (2631 days ago) @ Beorn
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Stats to prove it
by Beorn , <End of Failed Timeline>, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 11:41 (2631 days ago) @ Beorn
Xbox on the left, PC on the right. I generally play with the same people on both platforms, and I play with the same Xbox controller on both platforms (I can't do the keyboard/mouse thing).
Immediately purchases PC + Destiny PC ----->
by unoudid , Somewhere over the rainbow, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 11:47 (2631 days ago) @ Beorn
- No text -
Stats to prove it
by MacAddictXIV , Seattle WA, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 12:04 (2631 days ago) @ Beorn
Xbox on the left, PC on the right. I generally play with the same people on both platforms, and I play with the same Xbox controller on both platforms (I can't do the keyboard/mouse thing).
Yeah, one of the guys I know is on a 80 some game winning streak.
And I thought consoles were supposed to be the superior skll
by Durandal, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 12:27 (2631 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV
PC master race indeed.
Anecdotally, I used to room with a guy who was a hard core Team Fortress player. Probably logged 2 hours minimum a day on his PC. One time we and some others dragged out Halo Anniversary edition for some 4 player fun, and ended up in PVP after he insisted he would own us all due to his TF skills.
We crushed him. Totally.
I don't think he got a single kill. It was laughable. He was yelling at us, like we were screen watching or cheating somehow, or blamed the controller. I switched with him mid game, and proceeded to destroy him more.
Then he quit and went to finish off the Pizza.
Other thoughts
[4.1a] There are many other things that can be brought into Destiny to make it competitive. Curated playlists with rotating gear sets is an example I've used for years now. As well as having Trickle modes if you want to focus your play on gunfights over ability plays. I think that Destiny would benefit from that more than trying to be Halo 3, BRs only, no grenades. I don't want it to be like competitive Smash.
[4.2a] Not touching too big on events or economies as I tend to interact with them on minor levels, but I did want to mention that my motivation to play Iron Banner was higher due to the dedicated gametype. I know that we will be seeing changes to how we get gear, and I am hoping that in regard to activities like IB and Faction Rally that they go the route that D1 IB went with a selection available to purchase of both armor and weapons.
The end result is that D2 has a lot of promise. And I understand the arguments people make that it isn't Destiny, it's Destiny 2. However, I think the overall loss of character that D1 held in the overall field of shooter games is of detriment to D2. When D1 released, "Ults" and abilities on cooldown weren't super popular. But they're everywhere now. Minimizing those aspects of Destiny to make it more competitive, however, leaves it a husk of its former self. I played a lot of D1 crucible, even when I had complaints about the Meta, because I got to make plays and feel like I really was becoming a Legend. Now I get compared to Ikora by Shaxx because I team shot a guy. I sorta miss the former.
Well put and well articulated. The PvP is the major drag of D2, just as it was the major draw keeping me playing D1. The absence of advanced player control in particular is damning (titan skating, blink for hunters, warlock skating).
Overall, however, I think the fact that in D1 it was possible (however unlikely) to 1v3, whereas in D2 it's simply not, makes a big difference. I don't feel powerful like some kind of space magic god. Rather I feel like just a guy who is really only effective with my other guys around. That would be okay if the rest of the game played like a squad-based combat game, but it doesn't. You can't take cover (not really) and you don't control your spawns. It's incredibly easy to own the middle of some maps and force the enemy spawns to split, which is a huge detriment to the split teams. Somehow the sandbox of D2 got completely borked, probably by trying to be too many things to too many people, and the result is that it's boring.
The lack of interesting movement options is generally a major disappointment for me. The fact that I tank my momentum when using the already grossly nerfed shoulder charge melees is highly frustrating. It is the closest we get to any skill-based movement. Or I guess the air dodge on that one Dawnblade tree counts. Where is Twilight Garisson?
And in D1 my regular group joked that we all had backpacks that could fit 3. Except that one guy who could fit 5. Anyway, the point is now that at most folks can maybe have a backpack for one. There is a reason that people who played Halo 3 BRs Only No Grenades Final Destination never got invited back to birthday parties. I really enjoyed team play in D1. However the best part was that it didn’t require team play to perform well. The “squad focus” leads to babysitting blueberries. So I totally agree with that feeling of diminished power.
The lack of interesting movement options is generally a major disappointment for me. The fact that I tank my momentum when using the already grossly nerfed shoulder charge melees is highly frustrating. It is the closest we get to any skill-based movement. Or I guess the air dodge on that one Dawnblade tree counts. Where is Twilight Garisson?
And in D1 my regular group joked that we all had backpacks that could fit 3. Except that one guy who could fit 5. Anyway, the point is now that at most folks can maybe have a backpack for one. There is a reason that people who played Halo 3 BRs Only No Grenades Final Destination never got invited back to birthday parties. I really enjoyed team play in D1. However the best part was that it didn’t require team play to perform well. The “squad focus” leads to babysitting blueberries. So I totally agree with that feeling of diminished power.
I get the feeling that people who are really good running solo hates the new PvP. I understand that, but I also am happy that it takes more team coordination than D1. I also know, for someone who is more a team player (because I'm not as good at running solo) D2 is so much friendlier.
I will say that running solo is still very viable, you just have to make it a flanking and harass move instead of just trying to wipe the team solo. I recently in trials intentionally flanked way around a team that was engaged and wiped two guys before they realized I was behind them. Because there is less motion tracking in D2 in general (unless you stop ADS) it's easier to flank enemies.
I can definitely see that the overall feeling for a lot of folks who perform well solo not liking D2 PvP as much. But part of it is how it forces teamwork instead of encouraging it theough mechanics. Search and Des-countdown and survival both encourage team work theough mechanics, for example. And I like that. But Clash or Control aren’t focused enough for the gametype to encourage it, instead the limited options lead to team shooting.
I would make a distinction here in what I am talking about, though. Because flanking is team play. And in many cases is the only way to break up the plinking down hallways that is a common strategy due to the prevalence of MIDA and other Scouts effectiveness in coordinated fire. In D1, however, in part because of 6v6, I could break off, and having grenades readily available, actually manage engagements on my own. There are a lot of factors. But yeah. The change is definitely harder on folks who like solo play.
by unoudid , Somewhere over the rainbow, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 13:24 (2631 days ago) @ Harmanimus
As a person who likes to play the solo/flanking role in PvP this hits the nail on the head.
I can definitely see that the overall feeling for a lot of folks who perform well solo not liking D2 PvP as much. But part of it is how it forces teamwork instead of encouraging it theough mechanics. Search and Des-countdown and survival both encourage team work theough mechanics, for example. And I like that. But Clash or Control aren’t focused enough for the gametype to encourage it, instead the limited options lead to team shooting.
I would make a distinction here in what I am talking about, though. Because flanking is team play. And in many cases is the only way to break up the plinking down hallways that is a common strategy due to the prevalence of MIDA and other Scouts effectiveness in coordinated fire. In D1, however, in part because of 6v6, I could break off, and having grenades readily available, actually manage engagements on my own. There are a lot of factors. But yeah. The change is definitely harder on folks who like solo play.
They did change a lot of things that make it hard to go solo. I never thought about the grenades and abilities thing though. I think the big difference when it comes to abilities is that we are usually able to take on 1v2 or 1v3 if we have all of our abilities at our disposal, but when you might only have the gun in your hands, it is MUCH hard to do a 1v2, especially if either of them have their abilities. I think this takes more skill because you can't just willy nilly throw grenades every time you revive.
I also like that the defensive class abilities are able to be used often, because if you are being double teamed you might have a chance to get out easier. It allows for a more tactical team oriented game other than lone ranger. That is more appealing to me than the insta-killing roaming Gods that some D1 players were.
Individual skill scaling.
by Harmanimus , Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 13:54 (2631 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV
It is interesting that you bring up primary only as a more skillful engagement, while my argument would be the opposite. On the assumption cooldowns are shorter universally, a 1v2 or 1v3 where I have a grenade or two means most likely I may have as many as 6 grenades to contend with, depending on the engagement and the temperment of my opponents. I have to wccount for more variables and respond and somehow still come out on top. I would consider that more skillful with more abilities, rather than boiling it down to primaries as the only measure of skill. Map usage, movement, and quality ability use were hallmarks of D1 for me.
I do totally agree on the class abilities lending to some more team oriented play. Or defensive actions. I run towering barricade to block hallways or peak corners, for example. Or to save a teammate from enemies. Healing Rift serves similar for me. I have seen great use of these abilities and I have seen terrible uses. Albeit, I think (other than dodge) they are at about the right rate of charging, unlike the other abilities.
Personal considerations here, mostly.
I can definitely see that the overall feeling for a lot of folks who perform well solo not liking D2 PvP as much. But part of it is how it forces teamwork instead of encouraging it theough mechanics. Search and Des-countdown and survival both encourage team work theough mechanics, for example. And I like that. But Clash or Control aren’t focused enough for the gametype to encourage it, instead the limited options lead to team shooting.
I would make a distinction here in what I am talking about, though. Because flanking is team play. And in many cases is the only way to break up the plinking down hallways that is a common strategy due to the prevalence of MIDA and other Scouts effectiveness in coordinated fire. In D1, however, in part because of 6v6, I could break off, and having grenades readily available, actually manage engagements on my own. There are a lot of factors. But yeah. The change is definitely harder on folks who like solo play.
They did change a lot of things that make it hard to go solo. I never thought about the grenades and abilities thing though. I think the big difference when it comes to abilities is that we are usually able to take on 1v2 or 1v3 if we have all of our abilities at our disposal, but when you might only have the gun in your hands, it is MUCH hard to do a 1v2, especially if either of them have their abilities. I think this takes more skill because you can't just willy nilly throw grenades every time you revive.
In D1, if you caught a team with their pants down you could drop 1 of them before they knew what was happening, and maybe get 2 or 3 if you were lucky. I had some great chaperone plays where I solo'd against a bunch of guys who weren't expecting my positioning or movement and were thus caught looking where they expected me to be instead of where I actually was. In D2 you just can't do that. It takes so long to kill someone that even when you catch them with their back to you, there's enough time for them to finish what they were doing, write a book, proofread it, tell their friends about it, and then turn and shoot you, and if they have a teammate nearby, they will still win. I don't like a pvp game where a solo player who out maneuvers a pair of two has their best tactical option limited to "run away." And this is far worse when you have only your guns and no grenades to throw or super to pop.
I also like that the defensive class abilities are able to be used often, because if you are being double teamed you might have a chance to get out easier. It allows for a more tactical team oriented game other than lone ranger. That is more appealing to me than the insta-killing roaming Gods that some D1 players were.
On my hunter, the dodge is next to useless as an actual dodge, so I use it primarily to reload quickly. Which is dumb. Utility yes, defensive utility not really. On my warlock I'm an OP god of death with a skill tree designed to rain unholy pain upon my enemies, and every time I pop my circle of awesome I feel like I'm using a little bonus super.
My point is that things are grossly imbalanced. Maybe I should just play warlock. They do have blink.
I can definitely see that the overall feeling for a lot of folks who perform well solo not liking D2 PvP as much. But part of it is how it forces teamwork instead of encouraging it theough mechanics. Search and Des-countdown and survival both encourage team work theough mechanics, for example. And I like that. But Clash or Control aren’t focused enough for the gametype to encourage it, instead the limited options lead to team shooting.
I would make a distinction here in what I am talking about, though. Because flanking is team play. And in many cases is the only way to break up the plinking down hallways that is a common strategy due to the prevalence of MIDA and other Scouts effectiveness in coordinated fire. In D1, however, in part because of 6v6, I could break off, and having grenades readily available, actually manage engagements on my own. There are a lot of factors. But yeah. The change is definitely harder on folks who like solo play.
They did change a lot of things that make it hard to go solo. I never thought about the grenades and abilities thing though. I think the big difference when it comes to abilities is that we are usually able to take on 1v2 or 1v3 if we have all of our abilities at our disposal, but when you might only have the gun in your hands, it is MUCH hard to do a 1v2, especially if either of them have their abilities. I think this takes more skill because you can't just willy nilly throw grenades every time you revive.
In D1, if you caught a team with their pants down you could drop 1 of them before they knew what was happening, and maybe get 2 or 3 if you were lucky. I had some great chaperone plays where I solo'd against a bunch of guys who weren't expecting my positioning or movement and were thus caught looking where they expected me to be instead of where I actually was. In D2 you just can't do that. It takes so long to kill someone that even when you catch them with their back to you, there's enough time for them to finish what they were doing, write a book, proofread it, tell their friends about it, and then turn and shoot you, and if they have a teammate nearby, they will still win. I don't like a pvp game where a solo player who out maneuvers a pair of two has their best tactical option limited to "run away." And this is far worse when you have only your guns and no grenades to throw or super to pop.
I also like that the defensive class abilities are able to be used often, because if you are being double teamed you might have a chance to get out easier. It allows for a more tactical team oriented game other than lone ranger. That is more appealing to me than the insta-killing roaming Gods that some D1 players were.
On my hunter, the dodge is next to useless as an actual dodge, so I use it primarily to reload quickly. Which is dumb. Utility yes, defensive utility not really. On my warlock I'm an OP god of death with a skill tree designed to rain unholy pain upon my enemies, and every time I pop my circle of awesome I feel like I'm using a little bonus super.My point is that things are grossly imbalanced. Maybe I should just play warlock. They do have blink.
I want to believe this. I really do. But I am an average player in PvP and just recently I was playing trials with some DBO guys and I flanked a firefight between my team and the enemy and I dropped two guys with just my weapon. The first guy was slightly hurt but not by much and I killed him and started on the second guy before they realized I was behind them. The second one had a chance to fire back, but I already had the advantage and finish him. This was all with my gun, no pulse grenade needed. And there were many times that night where flanking got us slaughtered. There was also a couple times where one of our team mates used dodge very effectively to get away when he was the last guy remaining. I've seen it done. Maybe I'm not play against as skilled guys as you, because I know you are good at PvP, but it's still possible to do the things that you are talking about at my level at least.
I can definitely see that the overall feeling for a lot of folks who perform well solo not liking D2 PvP as much. But part of it is how it forces teamwork instead of encouraging it theough mechanics. Search and Des-countdown and survival both encourage team work theough mechanics, for example. And I like that. But Clash or Control aren’t focused enough for the gametype to encourage it, instead the limited options lead to team shooting.
I would make a distinction here in what I am talking about, though. Because flanking is team play. And in many cases is the only way to break up the plinking down hallways that is a common strategy due to the prevalence of MIDA and other Scouts effectiveness in coordinated fire. In D1, however, in part because of 6v6, I could break off, and having grenades readily available, actually manage engagements on my own. There are a lot of factors. But yeah. The change is definitely harder on folks who like solo play.
They did change a lot of things that make it hard to go solo. I never thought about the grenades and abilities thing though. I think the big difference when it comes to abilities is that we are usually able to take on 1v2 or 1v3 if we have all of our abilities at our disposal, but when you might only have the gun in your hands, it is MUCH hard to do a 1v2, especially if either of them have their abilities. I think this takes more skill because you can't just willy nilly throw grenades every time you revive.
In D1, if you caught a team with their pants down you could drop 1 of them before they knew what was happening, and maybe get 2 or 3 if you were lucky. I had some great chaperone plays where I solo'd against a bunch of guys who weren't expecting my positioning or movement and were thus caught looking where they expected me to be instead of where I actually was. In D2 you just can't do that. It takes so long to kill someone that even when you catch them with their back to you, there's enough time for them to finish what they were doing, write a book, proofread it, tell their friends about it, and then turn and shoot you, and if they have a teammate nearby, they will still win. I don't like a pvp game where a solo player who out maneuvers a pair of two has their best tactical option limited to "run away." And this is far worse when you have only your guns and no grenades to throw or super to pop.
I also like that the defensive class abilities are able to be used often, because if you are being double teamed you might have a chance to get out easier. It allows for a more tactical team oriented game other than lone ranger. That is more appealing to me than the insta-killing roaming Gods that some D1 players were.
On my hunter, the dodge is next to useless as an actual dodge, so I use it primarily to reload quickly. Which is dumb. Utility yes, defensive utility not really. On my warlock I'm an OP god of death with a skill tree designed to rain unholy pain upon my enemies, and every time I pop my circle of awesome I feel like I'm using a little bonus super.My point is that things are grossly imbalanced. Maybe I should just play warlock. They do have blink.
I want to believe this. I really do. But I am an average player in PvP and just recently I was playing trials with some DBO guys and I flanked a firefight between my team and the enemy and I dropped two guys with just my weapon. The first guy was slightly hurt but not by much and I killed him and started on the second guy before they realized I was behind them. The second one had a chance to fire back, but I already had the advantage and finish him. This was all with my gun, no pulse grenade needed. And there were many times that night where flanking got us slaughtered. There was also a couple times where one of our team mates used dodge very effectively to get away when he was the last guy remaining. I've seen it done. Maybe I'm not play against as skilled guys as you, because I know you are good at PvP, but it's still possible to do the things that you are talking about at my level at least.
It's just as possible that you're significantly better at PvP than I am. It's good to hear that this is still possible. Out of curiosity, what class do you play? I primarily play hunter.
by cheapLEY , Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 20:03 (2630 days ago) @ Kahzgul
edited by cheapLEY, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 20:13
Well put and well articulated. The PvP is the major drag of D2, just as it was the major draw keeping me playing D1. The absence of advanced player control in particular is damning (titan skating, blink for hunters, warlock skating).
Wait, what? The lack of some broken shit is detrimental to the experience? That's almost like calling the super bounce from Halo 2 an advanced movement option. I kept wondering what you were talking about when you said that, but now that you've explained I'm honestly flabbergasted.
Did you hold it against Halo 3 when they didn't put BXR back in the game? That's a legitimate question--some people absolutely did hold it against Halo 3 for not having BXR. I just don't think it's reasonable to expect Bungie to put obviously unintended, broken mechanics back into Destiny 2. I'll listen to the argument that it was beneficial to the game due to it's required skill to consistently execute or any such similar things, but I still think it's naive to expect them to leave it in and then complain about it when it's not there.
Well put and well articulated. The PvP is the major drag of D2, just as it was the major draw keeping me playing D1. The absence of advanced player control in particular is damning (titan skating, blink for hunters, warlock skating).
Wait, what? The lack of some broken shit is detrimental to the experience? That's almost like calling the super bounce from Halo 2 an advanced movement option. I kept wondering what you were talking about when you said that, but now that you've explained I'm honestly flabbergasted.
What you're calling broken shit was actually key to top-tier gameplay and added a tremendous amount of depth to the pvp game. Knowing how to move in order to safely and quickly traverse sightlines was key in that game. Using this advanced movement to trick enemies via the radar, keep your head out of doorways, and surprise your enemies with unexpected speed and direction was really really fun. And since these things were HARD TO DO, they meant that top tier players had to practice and develop a level of skill that was really really fun to watch.
Did you hold it against Halo 3 when they didn't put BXR back in the game?
I don't know what BXR is, I'm sorry.
That's a legitimate question--some people absolutely did hold it against Halo 3 for not having BXR. I just don't think it's reasonable to expect Bungie to put obviously unintended, broken mechanics back into Destiny 2. I'll listen to the argument that it was beneficial to the game due to it's required skill to consistently execute or any such similar things, but I still think it's naive to expect them to leave it in and then complain about it when it's not there.
I think you're saying it's reasonable to say it was beneficial to the game but not reasonable to complain that they took it out, which seems contradictory to me. The movement of D1 was fluid, quick, and required both skill and planning, whereas the movement of D2 is slow, methodical, and requires only that you do it alongside another teammate, rather than in a closely coordinated maneuver.
Put another way: D1 rewarded aggression and tactics, while D2 rewards preparation and numbers. Both have their merits, but the game modes in D2 are the same as D1, and those are, universally, game modes which emphasize aggressive play. It means you're always moving at odds with ideal gameplay, and that's not fun.
I don't know what BXR is, I'm sorry.
It was a button combination in Halo 2 that let you cancel the melee animation and fire the Battle Rifle basically instantaneously after punching someone. Similar to another glitch that allowed you to fire the BR twice in a row with no delay, called the double shot. Neither were incredibly hard to do, but did require some skill to pull off consistently, and we had almost the same argument I'm going to present to you below nearly endlessly on HBO.
I think you're saying it's reasonable to say it was beneficial to the game but not reasonable to complain that they took it out, which seems contradictory to me.
No, I'm saying it's unreasonable to complain about Bungie removing obvious glitches that allowed gameplay they didn't intend. Whether it was beneficial are harmful to the game is up for debate, and I'll acknowledge being able to understand those who say it's beneficial. It's not realistic, and not really fair to complain that Bungie removed things they obviously never intended to be there in the first place.
... but to my personal disappointment that they chose to remove them (unintended, against design goals) rather than integrate them (unintended, identified as within or retroactively included within design goals) that Bungie doesn't feel that the higher mobility was of benefit to the game.
Sandbox needs some work
by Durandal, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 05:30 (2631 days ago) @ Harmanimus
Uriels, and to a lesser extent ARs, are too good across range bands.
Hand Cannons struggle in a area where Subs, Sidearms, and ARs all compete.
Mobility is useless. I went all in on my hunter and have to be very smart about how I play. My Resilience 10 Titan just punches all the things.
Pulse grenades are really good, followed by void grenades. All others seem to be weak, and require some setup to work effectively. Flash, Suppression, Skips, Sticks, Incindearies and such are not capable of killing a player, don't last as long, and are hard to hit with. They all need a shorter cool down or a revision.
Ark Strider melees are too short of range, and don't really have any advantage. In the case of the stun punch, it does not work at all.
Melees auto target through hunter dodges. Hunters still take damage through dodges. It still takes 3 melees to kill players, even if two of those are charged melee hits via the dodge. The Dodge is slow.
Arkstriders are too slow in the super to run down players. Targeting in the air is difficult. Dodging doesn't move you close enough and burns super time.
Warlock melees are still like hand shotguns, where as Titan and Hunter melees pull them into close range.
Rift and Shield abilities are pretty good compared to dodge.
Why are warlocks the only ones with blink?
Sandbox needs some work
by ChrisTheeCrappy, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 07:06 (2631 days ago) @ Durandal
I kill in 2 melees with a charge often.
Sandbox needs some work
by Harmanimus , Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 11:56 (2631 days ago) @ ChrisTheeCrappy
Latency can make it really hard to reliably do that sometimes. Geographically ai tend to have to play against Pacific Island/East Asian/ NZ and AUS folks. (Yay Left Canada) and sometimes I will get a kill with two melees. And other times I’ll have my charged melee get used up without finishing off a player with no shields. Like they took damage from my physics impulse, but not the actual melee. Oh, and often I will simply bounce off other players.
Sandbox needs some work
by Harmanimus , Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 11:42 (2631 days ago) @ Durandal
Uriels, and to a lesser extent ARs, are too good across range bands.
Hand Cannons struggle in a area where Subs, Sidearms, and ARs all compete.
I, personally, feel ARs are in a generally goo place, but definitely feel Hand Cannons could either stand to have a more forgiving Crit box hit or a higher multiplier to reward the precision hits. ARs, SMGs, and SAs all have similar shots to kill between all crits and all body shots, though. So they are reliable. I think the heavier Scouts could also benefit from the same as Hand Cannons. They really don’t do you any favors.
Pulse grenades are really good, followed by void grenades. All others seem to be weak, and require some setup to work effectively. Flash, Suppression, Skips, Sticks, Incindearies and such are not capable of killing a player, don't last as long, and are hard to hit with. They all need a shorter cool down or a revision.
I still don’t agree with the choice to make stickies not one shots. However, I a separate armchair developer discussion with a friend relating to Mob/Res/Rec spreads brought up making ability damage scaled more heavily against Resilience. So that you would have to spec to armor to survive sticks. I don’t expect a change like that, sadly.
Melees auto target through hunter dodges. Hunters still take damage through dodges. It still takes 3 melees to kill players, even if two of those are charged melee hits via the dodge. The Dodge is slow.
I haven’t really played much Arcstrider. Nightstalker life. But in general I consider that the dodge is weirdly balanced. It can lead to great things or just get you goofed on. Referencing that same prior conversation Mobility and having a net increase to all general actions and handling functions was my suggestion to make it more desired. So in that case a Hunter would dodge faster, or mantle faster after a jump. A Mob spec on a Totan would cast Barricade faster, etc. give a tangible benefit to mobility.
Why are warlocks the only ones with blink?
Because when they split the code base after Taken King the state of Bladedancers was still that blink made them even more broken when accounting for Invul frames and the general network issues which let them tank stuff they weren’t supposed to. I think that is also part of why Arcstrider is slower. Though I think that dodging should slow your super consumption, personally. To motivate the more acrobatic advance.
Sandbox needs some work
by Durandal, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 12:19 (2631 days ago) @ Harmanimus
Because when they split the code base after Taken King the state of Bladedancers was still that blink made them even more broken when accounting for Invul frames and the general network issues which let them tank stuff they weren’t supposed to. I think that is also part of why Arcstrider is slower. Though I think that dodging should slow your super consumption, personally. To motivate the more acrobatic advance.>
Blink was the only reliable way to advance, given that the armor buff and speed buff were minimal. A blade dancer was forced to pop his super in cover, and then make his approach. An observant team would always be able to evade by jumping or running and leaving the BD unable to pursue. When Blink was nerfed the second time, it really eliminated BD as an effective super and most people switched entirely to Nightstalker.
Even with the improvements in Ark Strider in D2 (most notably being a small aoe and the ability to attack targets lower then you) the Ark Strider is the most easily countered super. The AS does not have the benefit of Ionic blink or landfall, nor the extra armor and instant attack of FoH.
I find it telling that FoH gets a speed boost, to compensate for the lack of range.
Sandbox needs some work
by Harmanimus , Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 12:58 (2631 days ago) @ Durandal
I meant broken in a literal sense not a balance sense. With the way networking frequently worked out combined eith Hungering Blade many blade dancers would be more-or-less invulnerable. I agree that the AS is a generally weaker super, at least in super fights. I’ve seen good plays with them. But I think they should play up the infinite dodge. I actually feel most supers are weak in direct fights anyway. A couple energy weapons burn them to the ground. One more thing where the space magic experience doesn’t feel as empowering.
Sometimes I miss my Anvil clang leading to the entire enemy team routing.
Sandbox needs some work
by MacAddictXIV , Seattle WA, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 13:06 (2631 days ago) @ Harmanimus
I meant broken in a literal sense not a balance sense. With the way networking frequently worked out combined eith Hungering Blade many blade dancers would be more-or-less invulnerable. I agree that the AS is a generally weaker super, at least in super fights. I’ve seen good plays with them. But I think they should play up the infinite dodge. I actually feel most supers are weak in direct fights anyway. A couple energy weapons burn them to the ground. One more thing where the space magic experience doesn’t feel as empowering.
Sometimes I miss my Anvil clang leading to the entire enemy team routing.
I don't know why, but we are also under the impression that all supers are good for PvP. Maybe AS is just a PvE super.
Sandbox needs some work
by unoudid , Somewhere over the rainbow, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 13:08 (2631 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV
I don't know why, but we are also under the impression that all supers are good for PvP. Maybe AS is just a PvE super.
They balance everything together for both PvE and PvP, they should be viable everywhere.
Sandbox needs some work
by MacAddictXIV , Seattle WA, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 13:11 (2631 days ago) @ unoudid
I don't know why, but we are also under the impression that all supers are good for PvP. Maybe AS is just a PvE super.
They balance everything together for both PvE and PvP, they should be viable everywhere.
I mean, I've never popped an Arc Strider in PvP before so I have no idea. Maybe it's just when it's used. Just thinking of reasons you might be wrong :D
Fit and finish
by Kermit , Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 08:02 (2631 days ago) @ Harmanimus
I've leave the in-depth analysis to others, especially in regards to gunplay and the Crucible, but I have some nit-picks about small flaws in D2.
There are other things like this in game, I'm sure, but I could remember three, and thought that together they might be worthy of a post.
- The initial loading animation shifts midway through the process. This is a tiny thing, but I notice it every time I log on, and it irritates. (Speaking of loading screens, remember the awesome Halo 3 loading screen? More like that, Bungie.)
- On the character screen, hunters float like warlocks, then don't, then do.
- Fast travel in the tower shouldn't be a thing (unless it works). Right now activating fast travel makes it so you can't view what's at the postmaster.
The last one is the only bug that isn't aesthetic.
Again, these are tiny issues, but I work on software. These little things affect impressions of quality, especially when it contrasts with D1. I love D2 BTW, and think it's a superior game in many respects.
D1 also had a loading twitch in it when you logged in. Less noticeable but if you had your audio shifted different you could watch it when the audio shifted to profile audio levels.
But speaking of the more minor and nuanced things, melee hit detection is really spotty, and melee speeds feel really inconsistent. I think there is a delay with melee if you miss your swing possibly. It feels weird.
Fit and finish
by Kermit , Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 11:30 (2631 days ago) @ Harmanimus
D1 also had a loading twitch in it when you logged in. Less noticeable but if you had your audio shifted different you could watch it when the audio shifted to profile audio levels.
But speaking of the more minor and nuanced things, melee hit detection is really spotty, and melee speeds feel really inconsistent. I think there is a delay with melee if you miss your swing possibly. It feels weird.
One thing they fixed from D1 was hearing the audio from wherever you were last time you were logged in. That was weird.
Those voices weren’t in my head?
by Harmanimus , Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 11:43 (2631 days ago) @ Kermit
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Fit and finish
by Tails , Across the Pond, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 19:48 (2630 days ago) @ Kermit
- The initial loading animation shifts midway through the process. This is a tiny thing, but I notice it every time I log on, and it irritates.
Yeah this irritates the crap out of me too. It's like nails on a chalkboard every time I see it. I believe that happens because that's the first time the game is able to read your screen bounds from your account profile, so it switches to using those from some universal defaults. I want to do something about it, but unfortunately it's going to be pretty low down the priority list :(
- Fast travel in the tower shouldn't be a thing (unless it works). Right now activating fast travel makes it so you can't view what's at the postmaster.
This is actually the first I've heard of this bug. We gave it a quick go and couldn't make it happen. Does it happen 100% of the time for you? What happens when you attempt to interact with the postmaster? If you can get a screenshot or video, you'll make me a happy chappy.
Not Kermit, but...
by Claude Errera , Thursday, November 30, 2017, 01:12 (2630 days ago) @ Tails
- The initial loading animation shifts midway through the process. This is a tiny thing, but I notice it every time I log on, and it irritates.
Yeah this irritates the crap out of me too. It's like nails on a chalkboard every time I see it. I believe that happens because that's the first time the game is able to read your screen bounds from your account profile, so it switches to using those from some universal defaults. I want to do something about it, but unfortunately it's going to be pretty low down the priority list :(
- Fast travel in the tower shouldn't be a thing (unless it works). Right now activating fast travel makes it so you can't view what's at the postmaster.
This is actually the first I've heard of this bug. We gave it a quick go and couldn't make it happen. Does it happen 100% of the time for you? What happens when you attempt to interact with the postmaster? If you can get a screenshot or video, you'll make me a happy chappy.
Okay, so I've never noticed this bug before... but I tried it this evening, and was able to reproduce this bug. Here's a video:
(Sorry, would have used YouTube or something, but this was easier than making an account. ;) )
It's not just the postmaster; I couldn't talk to ANYONE.
Fixed by going to orbit and returning.
(If it's not crystal clear from the dialogue, I'm a PS4 noob. Korny was walking me through the recording/sharing process.)
Not Kermit, but...
by Tails , Across the Pond, Thursday, November 30, 2017, 01:38 (2630 days ago) @ Claude Errera
Okay, so I've never noticed this bug before... but I tried it this evening, and was able to reproduce this bug. Here's a video:
(Sorry, would have used YouTube or something, but this was easier than making an account. ;) )
It's not just the postmaster; I couldn't talk to ANYONE.
Fixed by going to orbit and returning.
(If it's not crystal clear from the dialogue, I'm a PS4 noob. Korny was walking me through the recording/sharing process.)
Claude, you're a wonderful man! I'll ask around about this when I'm back in the office.
Not Kermit, but...
by Tails , Across the Pond, Thursday, November 30, 2017, 19:02 (2629 days ago) @ Tails
So I wasn't able to get it to happen exactly as Claude did in his video, but I was able to produce the same result by opening my map and using fast travel while talking to a vendor. From this, I was able to make a client code change that fixes the issue.
Unfortunately it's a little too late to make it into the release coming on Dec 12th, but I'm hopeful it'll make the next boat.
Thanks to the both of you, Claude and Kermit! :)
by Claude Errera , Thursday, November 30, 2017, 21:59 (2629 days ago) @ Tails
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by Ragashingo , Official DBO Cryptarch, Friday, December 01, 2017, 05:42 (2629 days ago) @ Tails
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Not Kermit, but...
by Kermit , Raleigh, NC, Friday, December 01, 2017, 06:29 (2629 days ago) @ Tails
So I wasn't able to get it to happen exactly as Claude did in his video, but I was able to produce the same result by opening my map and using fast travel while talking to a vendor. From this, I was able to make a client code change that fixes the issue.
Unfortunately it's a little too late to make it into the release coming on Dec 12th, but I'm hopeful it'll make the next boat.
Thanks to the both of you, Claude and Kermit! :)
Awesome! I now find bugs in my professional and personal life. Thanks!
BTW, the issue with the hunter floating--I always assumed that the warlock was the only class that was supposed to float because that's how it is before log on. I've noticed that the warlock will alternatively stand and float just like the hunter if you view the character screen while traveling.
P.S. Thanks for the explanation regarding the screen shift. I figured it was something like that.
Now if we can just address this map exploit...
by Korny , Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Friday, December 01, 2017, 07:04 (2629 days ago) @ Tails
edited by Korny, Friday, December 01, 2017, 07:52
Thanks for that! But there's also this weird thing that Claude and I ran into the other night. Hadn't seen or heard anything like it yet, but it's a very simple exploit to pull off...
Thanks for posting this.
by Claude Errera , Friday, December 01, 2017, 09:45 (2629 days ago) @ Korny
Thanks for that! But there's also this weird thing that Claude and I ran into the other night. Hadn't seen or heard anything like it yet, but it's a very simple exploit to pull off...
I never found the way up, myself, and I forgot to follow up with you for this video. Dang, that seems pretty straightforward - I wonder why this is the first time either one of us has run across it?
You make some really good points. Thanks for the post!
by unoudid , Somewhere over the rainbow, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 09:44 (2631 days ago) @ Harmanimus
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Great writeup
by Beorn , <End of Failed Timeline>, Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 11:06 (2631 days ago) @ Harmanimus
The length of these posts put me off of reading them at first, but I'm glad I did. I'm mostly on-board with a lot of what you've said in here, so I don't have a lot to add or contradict, but just wanted to say "thanks" for taking the time to write up your thoughts!
For the best it is 1/3 the original write up.
by Harmanimus , Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 11:18 (2631 days ago) @ Beorn
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