No Longer Neglected - Introduction (Destiny)
As seen on the “Front Page”:
It's possible that you'd forgotten we have a Fan Fiction section - it's seen 4 updates in the past 2 years, with the last one almost 4 months ago. - Claude Errera.
Ok. I wanna see if I can maybe help fix that... So:
Hello! Welcome to the introduction post for No Longer Neglected, a multi-month, bi-monthly Destiny fan fiction writing challenge that features a host of legitimately awesome prizes. My hope for the future? That we collectively generate a ton of great stories over the next few months and make sure our once beloved fan fiction section is No Longer Neglected. I’ve always thought Destiny was a great place to tell a large variety of stories, so let’s make it happen!
Here’s the way No Longer Neglected will work:
- Each month on the 1st and 15th I’ll be posting a new writing prompt. These prompts will vary in tone, length, and point of view. Be ready for anything!
- To enter, you’ll post your responses here in the forums in reply to my prompt post before the next round starts. Critically, you’ll also submit your story to the DBO Fan Fiction Archive. Doing both is required if you want to have a chance to win.
- Judging will be done by… well by me shortly after the next prompt is posted. I’ll be looking for creativity, awesomeness, and maybe a little correct grammar / punctuation. With me being who I am, it probably won’t hurt your chances if you stay fairly accurate to the lore, as well.
- And then…. there will be loot! What kind of loot? Beyond knowing that it’ll be Destiny related, you’ll have to wait and see. For each prompt, the winner will have their choice between two prizes. To be true to the spirit of Destiny, the prize not chosen will go back into the RNG loot pool and may or may not be offered in the next round. I’ll be using random.org to shuffle the prize list each time, which will make it about as random as you can get without having access to Roll20.net’s Quantum Roll.
- Unless there is some kind of unforeseen, crazy high shipping cost, prizes will be shipped by me to anywhere in the U.S. for free. Winners living outside the U.S. may be asked to share in or split the shipping fees.
I hope this will be a fun experience for us as a community. And, though I won’t be eligible to win, I’ll be writing and submitting along side everyone each round. So good luck, be brave, and remember that as a Guardian, you can write your own Destiny!
Complete thread:
- No Longer Neglected - Introduction -
2017-11-29, 23:35
- Sadly interpretive dance is not allowed -
2017-11-30, 07:50
- Nor is C++ an accepted language...
- MacAddictXIV, 2017-11-30, 08:24
- I can confirm both these questions really were asked...
- Ragashingo, 2017-11-30, 08:28
- My response will be ... Swift.
- dogcow, 2017-11-30, 08:30
- 1st prize goes to dogcow.
- Ragashingo, 2017-11-30, 08:37
- We need to create a special “Moof” award in his honour
- CruelLEGACEY, 2017-11-30, 08:59
- I award him: 1 Icon Garden.
- Ragashingo, 2017-11-30, 09:09
- Woohoo! :)
- dogcow, 2017-11-30, 11:29
- Woohoo! :)
- I award him: 1 Icon Garden.
- We need to create a special “Moof” award in his honour
- 1st prize goes to dogcow.
- I can confirm both these questions really were asked...
- Sadly interpretive dance is not allowed - ZackDark, 2017-11-30, 09:01
- Nor is C++ an accepted language...
- Yay!
- Kermit, 2017-11-30, 12:36
- Protip - Beorn, 2017-11-30, 14:46
- Sadly interpretive dance is not allowed -
2017-11-30, 07:50