Do internet petitions ever work? (Destiny)
by Cody Miller , Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, December 01, 2017, 15:26 (2652 days ago)
If they do, then you get music of the spheres.
Do internet petitions ever work?
by Claude Errera , Friday, December 01, 2017, 16:15 (2651 days ago) @ Cody Miller
If they do, then you get music of the spheres.
lol - I was looking at that a couple of hours ago.
With less than 300 signatures, I'm not sure it has any weight... but hey, hope springs eternal, right?
Do internet petitions ever work?
by MartyTheElder, Friday, December 01, 2017, 17:08 (2651 days ago) @ Claude Errera
With less than 300 signatures, I'm not sure it has any weight... but hey, hope springs eternal, right?
You mean hope for the future, right?
Also, why should Bungie care about a measly 300 fans?

Do internet petitions ever work?
by Cody Miller , Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, December 01, 2017, 17:38 (2651 days ago) @ MartyTheElder
With less than 300 signatures, I'm not sure it has any weight... but hey, hope springs eternal, right?
You mean hope for the future, right?Also, why should Bungie care about a measly 300 fans?
I hear 300 people can do a lot.

Do internet petitions ever work?
by cheapLEY , Friday, December 01, 2017, 18:50 (2651 days ago) @ MartyTheElder
Also, why should Bungie care about a measly 300 fans?
I honestly don't know how I'm supposed to take that. If it's at face value, it's a real bummer. Bungie seems like it was once exactly the type of company that would care and be excited about a measly 300 fans. I want to hope that they are still that company, but maybe I'm just stuck in the past at this point, lamenting the loss of better days.
Do internet petitions ever work?
by Avateur , Friday, December 01, 2017, 20:17 (2651 days ago) @ cheapLEY
I'm sure they like you fine if you buy their Bright Engrams. :P

Do internet petitions ever work?
by Cody Miller , Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, December 01, 2017, 20:26 (2651 days ago) @ Avateur
I'm sure they like you fine if you buy their Bright Engrams. :P
Just get a few 'whales' to sign the petition and we might be in business…

They never did if it required effort.
by Funkmon , Friday, December 01, 2017, 23:58 (2651 days ago) @ cheapLEY
Bungie cares about individual fans. Matt gave the last office copy of Myth to Fobo iirc. They gave that one guy Fate of All Fools. They care about us in the aggregate, posting weekly updates and crap, and always have.
The absolute bottom of their priorities has been that "300 fans" level for...idk, a long ass time.
Probably...the friends and family beta of Halo 3 was the last time they cared at that level? We had a thread on HBO that had like no context and if we posted in it we got a tiny little early access.
It's pretty much the worst sweet spot to be in. This either needs to be a petition put together by the biggest names in the Destiny community signing it in front, like the declaration of Independence, or like 95000 fans.

They never did if it required effort.
by dogcow , Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Tuesday, December 05, 2017, 08:14 (2648 days ago) @ Funkmon
Bungie cares about individual fans. Matt gave the last office copy of Myth to Fobo iirc. They gave that one guy Fate of All Fools. They care about us in the aggregate, posting weekly updates and crap, and always have.
The absolute bottom of their priorities has been that "300 fans" level for...idk, a long ass time.
Probably...the friends and family beta of Halo 3 was the last time they cared at that level? We had a thread on HBO that had like no context and if we posted in it we got a tiny little early access.
I miss the "Friends and Family" Bungie. I had bought Crackdown to ensure I'd get beta access, and then magically a code showed up (in my email? on bungie.net? I don't recall.) and I got to play a little bit early. I got matchmade with Ben Kutchera (when he was @ Ars) and bet him & everyone else up good in a sniper/shotty match on Valhalla. I wanted to join up & play with him but being new to the interface I couldn't figure out how to do it. Later in his review he said:
... I love rocket battles, but Sniper-Shotty matches give me hives.
The press invites and friends and family beta that is going on now is limited; the players are all insanely good
And I felt a little bad about giving him hives. Maybe he's just allergic to dogcows... ;-)
1000 strong...
by MartyTheElder, Saturday, December 02, 2017, 12:21 (2651 days ago) @ MartyTheElder
...and growing.
(You knew that was coming)
by Claude Errera , Saturday, December 02, 2017, 12:26 (2651 days ago) @ MartyTheElder
- No text -

Well now that is stuck in my head for the rest of the night.
by Funkmon , Saturday, December 02, 2017, 19:14 (2650 days ago) @ MartyTheElder
- No text -
- No text -

1000 strong...
by Morpheus , High Charity, Saturday, December 02, 2017, 20:27 (2650 days ago) @ MartyTheElder
All we need is someone to photoshop a winking anime face on his picture!

Now 2500
by Cody Miller , Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, December 04, 2017, 11:15 (2649 days ago) @ MartyTheElder
- No text -

Feels like being asked to join a fight I don’t understand...
by Ragashingo , Official DBO Cryptarch, Saturday, December 02, 2017, 13:57 (2651 days ago) @ Cody Miller
Maybe everybody else has awesome sources and knows what happened and why, but I don’t. I don’t have a good feeling for who are the good guys and bad guys in all of this or in what measure each side might partially deserves those terms.
For instance, if this petition is successful, who does it benefit and who does it harm? Sure, we the fans get some cool music and Marty gets the satisfaction of a lot of hard work finally making it to its intended audience. But is there also some measure of revenge or comeuppance included? And on the other side, if this petition is successful, is someone having to eat crow, or be embarrassed, or back away from some sort of action that made sense at the time? Or is this petition purely a force of good overcoming some small, powerful faction of spiteful evil clinging to their last way to stab at Marty?
Like the title says, it feels like being asked to join a fight I don’t understand... and in a lot of ways I don’t appreciate that. Without good information I can’t make a good decision, so for now my decision is to stay as far away from all this as I can.
Here ya go
by MartyTheElder, Saturday, December 02, 2017, 14:23 (2651 days ago) @ Ragashingo
Sorry you don't like this. It's not about taking sides as far as I'm concerned.
I'm willing to answer your questions - which of course will be my opinion. Good luck getting any answers from Bungie or Deej on this subject. They don't need to answer anything.
Here's the deal with this music. We were supposed to release it when we finished mixing it 5 years ago. For a variety of reasons, that never happened. At this point the only beneficiaries will be the fans. I will get no money, but I feel bad that something created to be heard is not allowed to be heard.
If Bungie releases this, it doesn't mean I was right and they were wrong. It doesn't mean I win and they lose. No one eats crow.
Everyone wins.
This music exists and shouldn't be suppressed no matter what the reason. We sent out 100 copies of this CD so perhaps someone will just share it and Bungie will look the other way.

Here ya go
by Cody Miller , Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Saturday, December 02, 2017, 14:37 (2651 days ago) @ MartyTheElder
Everyone wins.
Except for Bungie and Activision. I think you know this…
The biggest question after you left was whether Bungie could continue to make Destiny's music great. It just wouldn't make sense for Bungie to take the spotlight off of the music team that worked on Des2ny by releasing this. If it's amazing… then it simply overshadows what they are trying to build now. Given the current fan reactions… I think they want to project a bright future.
I think leaks are the only hope.
Everyone wins
by MartyTheElder, Saturday, December 02, 2017, 15:12 (2651 days ago) @ Cody Miller
Well Cody, you might be right, but it still doesn't make sense to me - even using your logic.
Mike Salvatori was one of the three composers of Music of the Spheres.
He's part of the team of composers that did the music for Destiny 2.
Bungie wins.
Activision doesn't have a horse in this race so it doesn't matter to them.
Maybe I'm just an eternal optimist, but I just don't see how it benefits anyone to withhold art.

Everyone wins
by Cody Miller , Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Saturday, December 02, 2017, 15:34 (2650 days ago) @ MartyTheElder
Well Cody, you might be right, but it still doesn't make sense to me - even using your logic.
Mike Salvatori was one of the three composers of Music of the Spheres.
He's part of the team of composers that did the music for Destiny 2.
Bungie wins.
If Bungie sees it that way, then it may see the light. Let's hope for that.
However, if they see it as being publicly most commonly associated with you and Paul, neither of whom are working on Destiny right now, then it might seen as a distraction moving forward.

Question: exactly how easy would it hypothetically be?
by Funkmon , Saturday, December 02, 2017, 19:34 (2650 days ago) @ MartyTheElder
You've said Activision has no say, but what could possibly be some barriers to release? Do they need you or Paul to agree? Would they have to pay anything? Is there some kind of arcane line in there Activision contract that requires approval of any digital media sold for money? What might be some reasonable reasons Bungie could have for waiting this long?
My answers
by MartyTheElder, Saturday, December 02, 2017, 22:07 (2650 days ago) @ Funkmon
So, I'll give you my best attempt at answering your questions.
"Do they need you or Paul to agree?" - No. They don't. I agree anyway and as far as I know Paul still wants this released.
"Would they have to pay anything?" - No. It's all been paid for and they can just release it. Digitally would cost them nothing.
"Is there some kind of arcane line in their Activision contract that requires approval of any digital media sold for money" - No. I was on the board and read all the Activision contracts. There was no such language, unless Bungie did something really stupid in the meantime.
"What might be some reasonable reasons Bungie could have for waiting this long?" - That is not a question I can answer. In my opinion, there is NO reasonable reason. However, perhaps Deej could answer this question for you.
I'm here and happy to answer any other questions.

Curious. I guess we had better hope for a leak. A few more.
by Funkmon , Saturday, December 02, 2017, 23:26 (2650 days ago) @ MartyTheElder
This is kind of a difficult question to answer. Do you think if they have waited this long it's because they have no intent to release the music?
Do you have hope that these petitions and occasional flares of questioning will lead to a release? Seriously. Like, are you hopeful that we get one soon, or are you more like "well shit, might as well do a petition, not like it could hurt," but have no real hope for the future of its release?
Is there a way you could get around this stranglehold Bungie has on the MOTS, like very very closely guiding a fan's recreation, or releasing sheet music of some parts? Considering, famously, 40 of 48 minutes are already out, could you theoretically cut together the 40 minutes of released music in a similar way to how MOTS was conceived?
Just leak it.
by MartyTheElder, Sunday, December 03, 2017, 12:00 (2650 days ago) @ Funkmon
edited by MartyTheElder, Sunday, December 03, 2017, 12:20
Do you think if they have waited this long it's because they have no intent to release the music?
I have no clue what Bungie's intentions are.
Do you have hope that these petitions and occasional flares of questioning will lead to a release? Seriously. Like, are you hopeful that we get one soon, or are you more like "well shit, might as well do a petition, not like it could hurt," but have no real hope for the future of its release?
I have hope but no expectations. I didn't start the petition nor did I suggest it. I know that the track record for suppressing art isn't successful so I'm assuming that this music will be heard someday.
Is there a way you could get around this stranglehold Bungie has on the MOTS, like very very closely guiding a fan's recreation, or releasing sheet music of some parts? Considering, famously, 40 of 48 minutes are already out, could you theoretically cut together the 40 minutes of released music in a similar way to how MOTS was conceived?
Theoretically I could do many things. But I have no desire to do more work on something that I already worked on for more than 3 years. That's the work that should be released.
unless Bungie did something really stupid in the meantime
Honestly, it would not surprise me if they have. They may have renegotiated after Destiny 1 failed to meet expectations at release.
I'm really hoping for a release of this thing. Bungie are just being petty and childish for withholding this. I try to avoid negativity, but it's the truth, and bluntly, they could really use the good PR right about now.
I have a couple questions for you, Marty, if you feel comfortable answering them:
1) Was it always the plan to use snippets taken directly from Music of the Spheres in Destiny 1, or was your intention instead to compose wholly original pieces based on the themes and motifs established in MotS?
2) Is there any possibility of you working with Paul McCartney again? You could seriously just do an album with him separate from any associated game project & it would be fantastic. You could do a symphony or a collection of songs based around a particular theme, i.e. summer, winter, forest, desert, etc... I think we would all pay to hear something like that.
3) Have you been keeping up with Bungie's musical output since your departure? I'm not going to ask you to evaluate its quality - I'm honestly just curious if you keep up with it.
4) What was the original ending to Halo 2? :)
My answers
by MartyTheElder, Sunday, December 03, 2017, 12:17 (2650 days ago) @ Coaxkez
Heh, this is starting to feel like the good ol' days. There used to be a group where I answered questions long before reddit.
1) Was it always the plan to use snippets taken directly from Music of the Spheres in Destiny 1, or was your intention instead to compose wholly original pieces based on the themes and motifs established in MotS?
The plan was to compose a suite of music that would be a stand alone listening experience. It would reflect the universe, lore, and emotions of Destiny. My intent was to arrange and compose new adaptive music to use in the game that was based on that music. Of course if there were places in the game where the original recordings could work that would be acceptable - and some of that had already been implemented by the time I left. What I really objected to was the piecemeal use of the recordings in some marketing material that happened long after we had agreed to release the full version to the fans. The original intention was to have Music of the Spheres released and then use some of those themes in marketing, pr, and the game. That never happened. However, it did happen with Golem - you can get Echoes of the First Dreamer right now!
2) Is there any possibility of you working with Paul McCartney again? You could seriously just do an album with him separate from any associated game project & it would be fantastic. You could do a symphony or a collection of songs based around a particular theme, i.e. summer, winter, forest, desert, etc... I think we would all pay to hear something like that.
Boy I would love that! I think that is a remote possibility. I got a call from Paul shorty after I was fired. He spoke fondly of our working relationship - but I got the impression that he really didn't like how he was treated in the game industry.
3) Have you been keeping up with Bungie's musical output since your departure? I'm not going to ask you to evaluate its quality - I'm honestly just curious if you keep up with it.
4) What was the original ending to Halo 2? :)
Now you've gone too far. Plus, I think I answered this somewhere else.
The Marty Army Lives!
by Pyromancy , Wednesday, December 06, 2017, 12:59 (2647 days ago) @ MartyTheElder
edited by Pyromancy, Wednesday, December 06, 2017, 13:07
*Sing* "All I want for Christmas is Music of the Spheres"
(it is a little bit clunky, we'll have to send it back to rewrite and workshop it)
Heh, this is starting to feel like the good ol' days. There used to be a group where I answered questions long before reddit.
I have it on good authority, that The Marty Army Lives!
(sorry for the bad phone pic)
"Still alive and well, still alive and well
Every now and then I know it's kinda hard to tell
But I'm still alive and well"
Is there any possibility of you working with Paul McCartney again? You could seriously just do an album with him separate from any associated game project & it would be fantastic. You could do a symphony or a collection of songs based around a particular theme, i.e. summer, winter, forest, desert, etc... I think we would all pay to hear something like that.
Boy I would love that! I think that is a remote possibility. I got a call from Paul shorty after I was fired. He spoke fondly of our working relationship - but I got the impression that he really didn't like how he was treated in the game industry.
I figure, that for sure, Sir Paul was one of the lucky 100 to receive a CD copy of Music of the Spheres? I think it would be just marvelous if he was the fellow to "accidentally" leak it, under the pseudonym 'G. Rasputin'
Q: How do the Vex communicate with eachother? (The Templar and Oracles in particular come to mind)
The Marty Army Lives!
by Pyromancy , Saturday, December 09, 2017, 14:42 (2644 days ago) @ Pyromancy
*Sing* "All I want for Christmas is Music of the Spheres"
(it is a little bit clunky, we'll have to send it back to rewrite and workshop it)
Heh, this is starting to feel like the good ol' days. There used to be a group where I answered questions long before reddit.
I have it on good authority, that The Marty Army Lives!
(sorry for the bad phone pic)"Still alive and well, still alive and well
Every now and then I know it's kinda hard to tell
But I'm still alive and well"
Is there any possibility of you working with Paul McCartney again? You could seriously just do an album with him separate from any associated game project & it would be fantastic. You could do a symphony or a collection of songs based around a particular theme, i.e. summer, winter, forest, desert, etc... I think we would all pay to hear something like that.
Boy I would love that! I think that is a remote possibility. I got a call from Paul shorty after I was fired. He spoke fondly of our working relationship - but I got the impression that he really didn't like how he was treated in the game industry.
I figure, that for sure, Sir Paul was one of the lucky 100 to receive a CD copy of Music of the Spheres? I think it would be just marvelous if he was the fellow to "accidentally" leak it, under the pseudonym 'G. Rasputin'
Q: How do the Vex communicate with eachother? (The Templar and Oracles in particular come to mind)
:( Sadly, I must have missed the window (or was it a door?) for open questions. Especially going off of this, Thanks and until next time, Reddit comment.
If anyone is at PlayStation Experience (PSX) and sees Marty there and wants to pass along that there is still a burning question to be answered over at 'deebo', that would be out of this world!

The Marty Army Lives!
by Cody Miller , Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Saturday, December 09, 2017, 15:54 (2643 days ago) @ Pyromancy
If anyone is at PlayStation Experience (PSX) and sees Marty there and wants to pass along that there is still a burning question to be answered over at 'deebo', that would be out of this world!
I’m here now. I already saw him and tried Golem, but I’ll try to let him know. I’ll share my thoughts on Golem tonight.
unless Bungie did something really stupid in the meantime
Honestly, it would not surprise me if they have. They may have renegotiated after Destiny 1 failed to meet expectations at release.
No offense meant to Marty, since he’s in the thread, but is really rather doubt that the fate of MOTS was a negotiation point. Neither side is sufficiently interested - in the financial sense. If anything, I would imagine Activision would encourage them to sell anything they own some of the rights to.
My suspicion is that Activision will have tried to negotiate for ownership of the Destiny IP outright, which would naturally include ownership of any and all audio assets in Bungie's possession.

My answers
by Cody Miller , Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Sunday, December 03, 2017, 17:09 (2649 days ago) @ Coaxkez
My suspicion is that Activision will have tried to negotiate for ownership of the Destiny IP outright, which would naturally include ownership of any and all audio assets in Bungie's possession.
As far as I know the only way Activision gets the Destiny IP is under very specific circumstances in which Bungie completely fucks up and puts the completion of the game into a 'critical risk' category without a workable mitigation plan, or Bungie goes bankrupt.
There were rumors that Activision would get a sizable chunk of Bungie stock if Des2ny slipped to 2018, but Bungie denies this.

My answers
by Vortech , A Fourth Wheel, Monday, December 04, 2017, 10:57 (2649 days ago) @ Cody Miller
Regardless, that scenario would mean Activision got the rights to some IP and then forced Bungie NOT to exploit it for money.
Seems unlikely.

Glad I stopped in today. Signed!
by SonofMacPhisto , Monday, December 04, 2017, 21:30 (2648 days ago) @ Cody Miller
Here's hoping someone does the right thing and leaks it.