
I wonder i the community did this to themselves? (Off-Topic)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, December 07, 2017, 15:06 (2336 days ago) @ Schedonnardus

there's a hot topic on reddit right now asking "what if bungie did away with eververse and gated all the cosmetics behind prestige activities."

my first thought was "well, people will just pay for carries," which then led me to think "hmm, people will pay for cosmetics regardless, so Bungie decided to be the ones charging for it"

I don't mind paying for specific items if you really want that one thing. It's the gambling element that bothers me. It's abusive design aimed at leeching money from people who are chasing one item that they want rather than directly selling that thing.

I will say that people paying for Trials carries spawned a cottage industry of people DDoSing their way to victory in order to carry others and get paid, and Bungie SUCKED at identifying these accounts and banning them. If you get paid $100 per carry, then even if you're banned on every carry, you still make money after buying a whole new game. Unfortunately, there's no real incentive there for Bungie to ban their mac address or hardware profile since the current system is resulting in more game sales. It sucks and isn't fun. I haven't encountered the same level of cheating in trials in D2, but then again, I haven't had as much opportunity to even play trials, what with it being cancelled every other weekend.

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