#stevewasright -- Lucky Pants and dual hand cannons (Destiny)
I previously made fun of Lucky Pants as an exotic for having a lame perk.
I was wrong.
I've been bringing my Hunter up through the Curse of Osiris campaign. After Steve posted about loving them, I decided to give them another try, with a key difference. I'm running hand cannons in both slots.
My kinetic is the new Living Memory, which also has Grave Robber, adding 4 rounds back into the magazine on melee kills.
My energy is the new Suros Nature of the Beast, with Dragonfly (Firefly but Arc).
It is stupidly fun. It's not the most effective way to play, but it's pretty neat how long you can go without actually reloading, switching between the two hand cannons every few shots to keep the other topped up.
#stevewasright -- Lucky Pants and dual hand cannons
I leveled a Hunter on PC from start to the end of CoO’s campaign past 25 doing that a lot. It’s fun in a very straight forward way. I think D2 benefits from that. Peacekeepers are great for that feeling, too. Infinite SMG.
#stevewasright -- Lucky Pants and dual hand cannons
Steve beat me to it. Those pants were my first piece of exotic armor, and I take them off only for PVP - because a knucklehead like me needs his radar.
You all know my affinity for hand cannons, so those pants with dual hand cannons are my regular loadout. I typically use Dire Promise (triple tap) and Annual Skate (outlaw) with Chains of Woe active.
I’m very curious about this Dragonfly you speak of... where does one acquire it?
#stevewasright -- Lucky Pants and dual hand cannons
I think it’s one of the drops you can get from Brother Vance rewards packages. It’s definitely a new CoO weapon, but I don’t remember exactly where I got it from. I’ve done quite a few strikes and public events, so it potentially could have dropped there, I guess.
Edit: Just checked, it’s not from Brother Vance. Must have just been a regular legendary engram drop.
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#stevewasright -- Lucky Pants and dual hand cannons
It's in Shaxx's inventory.
Yup; not the most efficient, but it's fun
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#stevewasright -- Lucky Pants and dual hand cannons
I previously made fun of Lucky Pants as an exotic for having a lame perk.
I was wrong.
I've been bringing my Hunter up through the Curse of Osiris campaign. After Steve posted about loving them, I decided to give them another try, with a key difference. I'm running hand cannons in both slots.
My kinetic is the new Living Memory, which also has Grave Robber, adding 4 rounds back into the magazine on melee kills.
My energy is the new Suros Nature of the Beast, with Dragonfly (Firefly but Arc).
It is stupidly fun. It's not the most effective way to play, but it's pretty neat how long you can go without actually reloading, switching between the two hand cannons every few shots to keep the other topped up.
Been wanted to try the Titan SMG pants as well. Basically the same perks. Maybe one of these days.
#stevewasright -- Lucky Pants and dual hand cannons
SMG pants are pretty good in Supremacy and add clear. You're NEVER empty. Do go for SMGs with faster readiness, though.
Good call.
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#stevewasright -- Lucky Pants and dual hand cannons
I just got my Titan through the main campaign and into Curse of Osiris stuff over the weekend. Been using War Rig with Origin Story and Uriel’s Gift and it honestly feels like cheating.
Destiny 2 has cooler and more fun exotics than I have previously given it credit for.
#stevewasright -- Lucky Pants and dual hand cannons
I just got my Titan through the main campaign and into Curse of Osiris stuff over the weekend. Been using War Rig with Origin Story and Uriel’s Gift and it honestly feels like cheating.
Destiny 2 has cooler and more fun exotics than I have previously given it credit for.
War rig is by far my favorite exotic. You haven't felt cheating until you use it with Sweet business. Never have I fired a weapon for so long.
I laugh in PvP every time I start firing and someone runs for cover and then comes out expecting my clip to be done and I'm like "I'm only half way there buddy."
but do watch your reserve ammo
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#stevewasright -- Lucky Pants and dual hand cannons
I don’t use it with sweet business, but on that same subject, everytime a Warlock pops their rift or a Titan drops a barricade thinking I won’t just keep firing is pretty funny.
#stevewasright -- Lucky Pants and dual hand cannons
Try it with Halfdan-D. It fires slow enough that the refill almost keeps up.
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I'm a big fan of the Halfdan-D
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