Narcissus (Destiny)
About 8:00 in, the author of the video makes a curious analogy:
There is an ancient greek fable about Narcissus, a hunter who was beautiful but vain. The first time he saw his reflection he fell in love with it. He lost his will to live, he literally started at his own reflection until he was dead. And I raise this fable because I think that here in the Infinite Forrest and the rest of this expansion in fact, Bungie have fallen in love with their own skyboxes, and completely abandoned making functional first person shooter levels here.
Everybody forgets the most important part about the Narcissus fable, and that's what Tiresias said to Narcissus' mother:
"He'll have a long life as long as he never knows himself."
THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART. So his parents coddled him, never made him confront difficult issues or reflect on what kind of man he is. And so he did live a long life.
Bungie must do this too. What kind of game are we making? For what reasons? Why are things the way they are?
Never answer these questions, and I think Destiny will live on the way it's been living on. But answer them, and dig deep, and I think the situation may change.
Complete thread: