
Point of interest *Raid Lair SP* (Destiny)

by Beorn @, <End of Failed Timeline>, Tuesday, December 12, 2017, 10:17 (2620 days ago) @ Schedonnardus

If Panoptes is just a simulation of what's to come, shouldn't we be tracking him down in the real world?

Perhaps an alternate ending to the campaign could've been us tracking down the origins and current day whereabouts of Panoptes, destroying him within the simulation, and then having a Raid focused on destroying him in the real world (inside the mercury machine core). Maybe have a jumping puzzle along the exposed side of mercury where the almighty ripped it apart.

So, I cannot take any credit for making this connection, but Xenos pointed out to me that in Greek mythology, Panoptes' full name is Argos Panoptes.

Raid Lair spoiler:
In the Raid Lair, the giant Vex hydra boss at the core of Nessus is named… Argos.

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