Destiny 1 Achievement Cleanup. (Xbox) (Destiny)
What?! Snipe's on DBO?? That's right, because I need some help. Trying to finish up D1, then I MIGHT get D2... I still need most of the Raid stuff, and that's it.
Flawless Raider is the hard one, although from what I understand, not as hard as it seems.
Gotta beat King's Fall (normal and hard difficulty) and get the 5 calcified fragments in the raid.
And gotta beat Wrath of the Machine (normal and hard).
Anybody also need these or just want to play?
I will play but not help with raids. Anything else?
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If the timing is right, I'm willing to help.
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I never did finish WotM. If I never play KF again...
I won’t be disappointed.
Junior and I might be able to help over the holidays.
Destiny 1 Achievement Cleanup. (Xbox)
I definitely want to help. I'm free most of next week.
Destiny 1 Achievement Cleanup. (Xbox)
What?! Snipe's on DBO?? That's right, because I need some help. Trying to finish up D1, then I MIGHT get D2... I still need most of the Raid stuff, and that's it.
Flawless Raider is the hard one, although from what I understand, not as hard as it seems.
Gotta beat King's Fall (normal and hard difficulty) and get the 5 calcified fragments in the raid.
And gotta beat Wrath of the Machine (normal and hard).
Anybody also need these or just want to play?
I'm available most nights, as long as we don't require Rise of Iron content.
One Or 360? That's Definitely A Dealmaker/breaker.
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In That Case, Yep.
I usually work late weekends, but most days/nights I'm available. Either FTB's or invites, I'm up for anything except Tri--
They don't have Trials of Osiris in D1 anymore... ;-D
So then, I'm up for anything! YEAH!
I'm game
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Destiny 1 Achievement Cleanup. (Xbox)
I'll be on tomorrow, send out invites.
Fireteam Builder would help. :)
I'll be on tomorrow, send out invites.
If this is Tomorrow @ ???, I might not be able to help.
Destiny 1 Achievement Cleanup. (Xbox)
The flawless one is a bit tricky. I ended up soloing Crota´s End to do it. It is hard enough for one player to stay 100% concentrated throughout a run if not a full fireteam. And even though you are generally much safer as a full group, you have six people that can have really random stuff happen to them. If you manage to do it without getting frustrated with you mates, or sick of yourself, I´m sure it is an awesome bonding experience, though:p
I´d do a run on any of the raids. Although, I´m on +1 GMT. (Gamertag is Dundre)
I’d help
But I’m out til Xmas.