Community Game Night Thursday Sept 12 (Recruitment)
Alright people! Xenos's Community Game Night is tomorrow and we are playing Halo Reach! I don't have a guarantee that Bungie employees will be there since DeeJ hasn't responded yet (I hear he and Bungie are busy working on something called "Destiny", whatever that is), but we will soldier on without them this week if we must! We will start at 7:30 PT (I will most likely be on earlier if anyone else is). Message me/friend me on XBox Live, my gamertag is "XenosKB".
Can I still be there and be a square?
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Yes, but no other geometric shapes
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Initiate Operation Circle of Confusion
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Curse you Paddy!
I am so glad I banned you *shakes fist*
I want to be a rhombus
I can't be constrained by your right angles. I gotta be me.
A rhombus is just a hipster square!
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How about that! That's the shape I leave all my enemies in!
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Parabola of Mysteries, COMMENCE!
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You're beautiful like a diamond on it's side.
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Truly now your world is a Rhombus of Terror.
Is this the final sign up thread?
No there will be three more, make sure you sign up on all 3!
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How long you planning on playing?
I won't be home until around 8:30.
How long you planning on playing?
I won't be home until around 8:30.
We usually play for several hours. Usually I am on until at least midnight MT.
Community Game Night Thursday Sept 12
Ooh - Pick me! Pick me!
Community Game Night Thursday Sept 12
Every neuron in my head is just firing
Community Game Night
Community Game Night
Community Game Night
Epic CTF or bust.
Let's make it happen!
Yes, please!
See you guys after soccer practice!
I never ever wanna play CTF with you guys ever again. Ever!
That Longsword was too distracting.
I haven't played Reach in such a long time, and while the game and you guys kicked my ass, I really enjoyed playing with y'all this evening. Hank you! :)
P.S., someone betray Unreal whenever he even looks at a Gauss cannon. Jesus Filipino Christ that was awful...
That was fun.
Sorry I didn't say one single word. My day was awful with a capital AWFUL. Plus more awful. And it generated a double dose of awful I'm going to be subjected to first thing tomorrow. Followed by a one hour musical interlude (totally serious here). Followed by more awful…. Oh and I nearly forgot… another four hours and thirty minutes of awful after that.
By hey! There was Halo!
- Great CTF coordination in the few games we played.
- Quesadillas seem more special if you don't know spanish.
- We're the A-Team. (My unspoken response: "No no, we're not the A-Team, we're just a team."
- I don't know… my brain has very nearly melted… fill in a brilliantly written catalogue of fun game moments and witty in game banter here… Thanks.
Good times!
Sorry I couldn't play for long tonight, but that was a lot of fun.
My three kids were watching the matches before they went to bed, and they were completely enthralled. If you heard them cheering in the background, I apologize!
Good times!
Glad you were there, it was a lot of fun!
Great games!
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Glad you could come! Hopefully it improved your day
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Good times!
Sorry I couldn't play for long tonight, but that was a lot of fun.
My three kids were watching the matches before they went to bed, and they were completely enthralled. If you heard them cheering in the background, I apologize!
Didn't hear them at all, but glad they enjoyed it as much as I did :)
Wow, had fun with all 27+ of you!
Thanks for coming everyone. We had at least 27 people there tonight, including at one point 16 in one group and 9 in the other. Lots of great games, including a match of Big Team Battle Heavies that went 149 to 150. The Epic CTF game that was my last game of the night went for over an hour. Awesome time. What do you guys want to play next week?
...World of Tanks. :P
Thanks for putting this together, Xenos!
Wow, had fun with all 27+ of you!
I vote Battlefield 3 again! It's fun! Or 360 version of Team Fortress 2! Orrrr we could boost achievements in Tomb Raider like I know you all really want to!
I am always down for BF3
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Good times were had!
I made it online right in the middle of that big CTF game and unevened the teams but I mostly just got annihilated so no big whoop. High five to whoever was on the hog when we drove up the blue team's base and flipped completely over the top. :)
It was a lot of fun last night. Thanks for playing everybody!
Good times were had!
I made it online right in the middle of that big CTF game and unevened the teams but I mostly just got annihilated so no big whoop. High five to whoever was on the hog when we drove up the blue team's base and flipped completely over the top. :)
High five from me too, since I got the kills :-D
That was me :D
Didn't work anywhere near as well as I had planned it to. :P
The Ultimate Community Game Night Write-Up
Posted this at HBO, may as well throw it here, too.
So there I was in the middle of one of the best Epic CTF games I have ever had the pleasure to be part of! The game was tied 1-1 and we had just managed to get the flag through their teleport exit. Slowly but surely, that flag was progressing across the map. Surely we would be taking a 2-1 lead. I could taste it. Hell, I could see it. The flag was right there, and it was going to be mine for the taking.
Blue team? Ha. What a joke. How could they ever stop me? I mean really. Fourth quarter, game on the line, Jordans laced up. I've been here before. It's Hero Time!
CRASH. Bleep bloop. What?! Disconnected from Xbox Live?! Puppy backing up frantically from some cables? Uh oh. Yep. Modem directly connected to PC, 360, and router. Plug yanked from wall, router yanked off desk, modem hanging on by a thread. Puppy was never allowed to explore that side of the desk. He finally managed to while I was busy being heroic.
Maybe three full minutes passed before I was back online and in the game. Loading. Plenty of frantic microphone chatter. No one could hear me due to loading, but I could hear them. They had our flag, and it sure sounded like they were going to score.
I return to the game! 2-1!...them?! We eventually lost. Puppy's fault.
GG everyone! :D
That was me :D
Didn't work anywhere near as well as I had planned it to. :P
Methinks you misunderstand the purpose of a Warthog. ;)