
Ship It (Destiny)

by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Tuesday, January 16, 2018, 06:32 (2613 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I am shocked nobody has written a smutty fanfic about what Shaxx screams in bed. Get on it people. I hear there's a contest or something.


Not specifically this, but I often think about what these characters do "off the clock".

Does Hawthorne wake up, make some super strong black coffee, eat some jerky then go up to her perch to look over the city all day waiting for guardians to come get engrams from her. Then at the end of her day, goes home and feeds her hawk, makes some spaghetti and eats dinner on the couch in her pajamas watching tv?

Does Zavala have a girlfriend? and what's their conversation like?

Zavala: Hey babe, I'm home.
GF: Hey Zavy how was your day?
Zavala: Pretty good, I made 850 vanguard tokens.

Rahool goes home and opens some wine, turns some music on and has one sided conversations with his prized plants...because he has no friends.

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