
Update Notes (Destiny)

by Robot Chickens, Tuesday, January 30, 2018, 10:40 (2567 days ago)


DESTINY 2 UPDATE - 1/30/2018
Destiny Update 1.1.2 - The one about Armor Masterworks

Armor Masterworks

  • Legendary Armor now has a chance to drop as a Masterwork
  • Any non-Masterwork armor may be upgraded to Masterwork for five Masterwork Cores and 20 Legendary Shards
  • Upgrading to Masterwork may rework the stat of the armor
  • Masterwork armor grants 3% damage resistance while players are in a Super state for each
  • Masterwork armor piece equipped
  • Masterwork armor can have a different stat package (Heavy, Light, or Restorative) from the base armor piece
  • Players may rework Masterwork armor to randomly assign one of the three base packages to the armor, allowing players to reroll the stat packages on their armor piece by piece
  • Reworking Masterwork armor requires one Masterwork Core and 10 Legendary Shards
  • Like weapons, armor Masterworks have a higher drop rate from Trials of the Nine and raid activities


  • Benedict 99-40 now has a rotating stock of armor and weapons available each week
  • To unlock these items for purchase, players must complete the corresponding activity that week
  • Raid encounters drop at least one armor or weapon item
  • Note: The Castellum and Reactor Escape encounters each drop one Legendary engram per week. Completing a Prestige version of a raid encounter prior to normal difficulty will drop both Prestige and normal rewards while also locking the weekly rewards for each activity
  • The last encounter of raid activities has a chance to drop a new Exotic Ghost, exclusive to the Leviathan
  • Raid armor has unique mods that only function within the Leviathan
  • Raid mods can be swapped at will for the cost of one raid token
  • Existing raid armor already held in inventory will automatically have the option to equip mods
  • All raid encounters now have a chance to grant an Exotic reward


Prometheus Lens

  • Flame Refraction perk now generates ammo instead of pulling from reserves
  • Increased base damage

Lucky Pants

  • Fixed an issue where the Illegally Modded Holster perk could provide infinite ammo

Ophideans Aspects

  • Fixed an issue where the Cobra Totemic perk did not function properly when using weapons with the Quickdraw perk

I Am Alive

  • Revised perks on the Eater of Worlds Grenade Launcher to include a second trait perk: Moving Target
  • Removed the Augmented Drum and High-Velocity Rounds perks
  • Fixed an issue where grenade projectiles could remain indefinitely after being hit by Telesto in the Crucible


  • Fixed an issue where warp gates did not always function when players were completing Heroic Mercury adventures
  • Revised the description for the Heroic adventure “De-Powered” modifier to correctly state that grenade damage is decreased when the modifier is active
  • Revised the description of Heroic Mercury adventures to properly state availability
  • Players may play up to three Heroic Mercury adventures on a given day
  • Each Heroic adventure may be played once per twice-weekly reset
  • Heroic adventures are no longer automatically selected at weekly reset
  • Mercury challenges are now available during adventures
  • Fixed an issue where new characters created after the release of Curse of Osiris were not receiving the Flashpoint milestone
  • Fixed an issue where scannables for Faction Rallies were not properly appearing during
  • Faction Rallies events
  • Trials of the Nine now properly shows requirements when the featured map requires Curse of
  • Osiris ownership
  • Revised the Lost Sector reward throttle from 10 minutes to 5 minutes
  • Fixed an issue where players could no longer progress during the final encounter in the Tree of Probabilities Strike
  • UI
  • Fixed an issue where Ikora would display a waypoint in error
  • Players in social spaces receive a notification when their Postmaster Lost and Found is full
  • Chest waypoints now properly appear when using Scout Reports on Mercury
  • Colorblind settings now apply to elements of the Gauntlet encounter of the “Leviathan” raid
  • Armor offered by Brother Vance now displays mod slots when previewed in the vendor inventory
  • Fixed an issue where players would see incorrect level-up UI when leveling up alternate characters from levels 21 through 25
  • Auto Rifles now correctly display perks when players are previewing weapons within the Vault
  • Adjusted the display order of gear sockets (mods, shaders, etc.) in the Item Details screen to be more consistent
  • Increased the dismantle timer for Masterwork Cores
  • Masterwork Weapons and Armor now display a gold border when being viewed in the Postmaster Lost and Found
  • Crucible players will be properly notified when Power Ammo is acquired from the Cave area of Radiant Cliffs


  • Reduced the amount of XP required to earn an Illuminated Engram from 160k to 120k
  • The Crossroads emblem correctly displays within Collections for players who have earned the emblem
  • Character models no longer flinch when spawning in to social spaces with spawn effects equipped
  • Updated the names of spawn effects to properly reflect their in-game appearance
  • Gold Spotlight Effect is now the Yellow Spotlight Effect
  • Blue Class Sigil Effect is now the Purple Class Sigil Effect
  • The New Monarchy helmet ornament icon now displays the correct helmet
  • The New Monarchy cloak now displays the correct imagery for female Hunters
  • Fixed an issue where the Future War Cult gauntlets would display floating geometry
  • Gunsmith engrams correctly grant weapon foundry shaders once again
  • Fixed an issue where Three of Coins was not increasing chances for Exotic rewards when players were completing public events on Mercury
  • Heroic strike completions now have a greater chance of granting Exotic rewards
  • Fixed an issue where Curse of Osiris strikes were not properly granting Clan engrams when featured as a Nightfall activity
  • Arcite-99 will now offer Gunsmith Engrams to players who have reached level 20 but have not yet completed the Red War campaign


  • Gleaming Boon of the Vanguard price reduced from 350 to 250 Bright Dust
  • Gleaming Boon of the Crucible price reduced from 750 to 600 Bright Dust
  • Fixed an issue where Challenges were not appearing within Quickplay
  • Fixed an issue where Masterwork Cores and Mod Components were not being forwarded to the Postmaster Lost and Found
  • Fixed an issue where Destiny 2 could crash when players were changing emotes quickly
  • Fixed an issue where players could not interact with vendors after fast-traveling to a social space
  • Fixed an issue where the belt on Lucky Raspberry was not properly attached to the character model
  • Fixed an issue where some Sparrow contrails could obstruct player view
  • Fixed an issue where the Get Up and Sneaky emotes could not be in the player inventory at the same time
  • Cayde now properly acknowledges player accomplishments during Mercury Flashpoint weeks when granting the Flashpoint engram, rather than asking the player about the weather on Io
  • Fixed an issue where Zavala would display the wrong text when granting players rewards from the Heroic Strike milestone

Update Notes

by bluerunner @, Music City, Tuesday, January 30, 2018, 13:00 (2567 days ago) @ Robot Chickens

Blue Class Sigil Effect is now the Purple Class Sigil Effect

Why couldn't they make it blue? :(


Update Notes

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Tuesday, January 30, 2018, 13:05 (2567 days ago) @ bluerunner

Blue Class Sigil Effect is now the Purple Class Sigil Effect

Why couldn't they make it blue? :(

Because Bungie doesn't like you.


Text strings are easier to update.

by Harmanimus @, Tuesday, January 30, 2018, 13:05 (2567 days ago) @ bluerunner

- No text -


Text strings are easier to update.

by Blackt1g3r @, Login is from an untrusted domain in MN, Tuesday, January 30, 2018, 13:42 (2567 days ago) @ Harmanimus

They should have changed the text something like "just kidding, it's really a purple class sigil" or something funny. :)



by Robot Chickens, Tuesday, January 30, 2018, 17:43 (2567 days ago) @ Robot Chickens

Ophideans Aspects

  • Fixed an issue where the Cobra Totemic perk did not function properly when using weapons with the Quickdraw perk

This appears to be a recurring issue for perks on armor when they interact with a weapon that produces a similar trait. I remember this happening in D1 with the Taikonaut helmet where the rocket tracking perk cancelled out on RLs that had this intrinsic trait. That would be the first thing I would test going forward. It's cool they fixed it though.

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