...Previously On Destiny (Destiny)
Last night on Destiny, a group of us had a blast. We:
- Started off with the Raid Lair. And did awesome. We only wiped once on the pistons, we aced the crystal fight, and we beat the final boss in maybe two tries but that second try went extremely well! It’s funny that a month or two ago I was wondering if the entire final fight wasn’t misbalanced, and now we are capable of almost blowing through it. All in all, I love the Raid Lair. It’s fun, challenging, requires teamwork, but it certainly has room for everything from barely squeeking by to outright mastery.
- Next, we took on the main Raid. The Gaunlet gave us an odd amount of trouble due to silly mistakes, but the Baths and the Dogs didn’t stand a chance. Even while we did the challenge in the Dogs area. We got our keys and our loot and just about everyone got two Exotics. Calus wasn’t quite a pushover and we had a good three or four failed attempts, but the conclusion was never in doubt. “Weren’t we just here?” Someone asked as we made our way to the final loot chest. :p
- Finally, we opted for a few rounds of late night Iron Banner. Our teamwork and cheerful attitudes held here as well.
- Game 1 on Endless Vale was a nail biter! We won 78 to 77 thanks to some extremely strategic last second plays by Xenos while we were down two zones to one. (Mainly, he hid behind a rock and didn’t die.)
- Game 2 on Dead Cliffs was my time to shine! Between rocket kills, a well aimed Suppression Grenade shutting down a Striker, and some good ole fashion skill with my Masterwork Eystein-D, I lead our team to an easy 88 to 51 victory.
- If Game 2 was my game, Game 3 was Beorn’s. 29 kills (10 more than the next best on our team), and a 2.9k/d he was the clear leader. The game itself wasn’t easy. We started out by dropping well behind. Our Blueberry going for all melee kills might have had something to do with that. He ended the match with 11 of them... and a .88k/d...
But then, around mid match we began making a comeback. What had been a massacre with us being surrounded at every turn turned into a tense battle. For the 2nd time of the night someone, probably Xenos, warned us to not die in the final few seconds of the match. I can’t speak to whether he was once again perched strategically behind a rock or pillar or wall in those last few seconds, but somehow we edged the other team out 83 to 77.
And then we counted our blessing and made a beeline for the Tower.
That’s what we did Previously On Destiny. How ‘bout you?