Raid Clinic on PS4? (Destiny)
In D1 we held a few raid clinics in which we could practice playing different roles in the raids. Beorn's workshop next week on the Xbox seems like a variation of that idea, and it has garnered a lot of sign-ups.
The issue is, if there is a raid group that regularly plays on the PS4 (other than the dear Deeply Flawed Raiders), you must be doing it on the down low from my observation. Granted, I'm not on most nights and don't see who's on, but I know there have a been a few weeks where there didn't seem to be any raid clan rewards. The D1 flawless raider team usually played later than I play regardless, so I'm just uncertain about participation.
Korny, are you still blind for the Lair? Speedracer, Cruel, are you still active on the PS4? We need coaches. Maybe we need students, too?
I'd like to schedule something, and I think maybe it could be focused on one encounter per night, depending on the which encounter is first in the rotation.
Sound off about your interest in this, or send me an email if you'd prefer.