
THAB 3.8.18 (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, March 08, 2018, 17:03 (2529 days ago)

THAB 3.8.18, Sandbox

Some highlights:

Respawn times in Crucible have been lowered.

Power ammo timers have been reduced.

Enemies drop power ammo if they had it, available for pickup by anyone.

All three glides plus Catapult and Strafe Lift have been retuned and buffed to make them faster and more unique.

The mobility stat range has been expanded and completely retuned as well. In short, everyone gets faster and the high end is higher. (I wonder if this is enough to make Mobility worth having).

The players’ ground speed cap has been increased, allowing for faster total movement speed, regardless of how you may get there.

Other specific ability improvements are detailed.

Lots of weapon class damage changes are detailed (lots of buffs).

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