Forgotten Visions: Morph's D1 Clips (Destiny)
Some point this week, I realized I have recorded 713 Destiny clips and have shared barely any with anyone, without even realizing it. So I'd like to spend some time reflecting on these crazy four years with a good number of my favorites. I won't describe or post all of them, since most of them were simply odd curiosities, but I will be coming back to this thread repeatedly over time. Anyway, I'll get started with the clips on my Xbox DVR, so I can delete them and make some room for new games.
(And no, I won't embed any of them unless it's MOTW material. Spare you some bandwidth. lol)
- If you kill the Taken bosses when you're not supposed to, does that open a time paradox? Let's say yes!
- Doing a solo Daybreak strike, this was the lowest my health bar has ever been.
- A classic BXR on OGRE1 and OGRE2. ;-)
- A very unfortunate Dreg caught wind of my escape
- Doing a Challenge of Elders, I managed to score almost 5000 points in less than a minute!
- A scenario where I got real lucky. "If they didn't see me Artemis, they certainly didn't hear me!"
- This was definitely a surprising case--of course this Vandal obviously spawns there on Heroic, but what amazed me the most is the damage output. 108,039 points! I can't even imagine how much that would drain on a boss!
- One of the more infuriating moments of Destiny.
And finally, my (for the moment) coup de grace! Did you know you can 2-phase Regicide Oryx? I did. ;-)
Well, there's my first salvo; hope you guys enjoy. I will leave this particular post with some leftover strike endings--some solo, some group. All of which are particularly exciting to watch!
Accidental Perfection
As One
Burn Him!