
Forgotten Visions: Morph's D1 Clips (Destiny)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Saturday, March 17, 2018, 17:05 (2520 days ago)

Some point this week, I realized I have recorded 713 Destiny clips and have shared barely any with anyone, without even realizing it. So I'd like to spend some time reflecting on these crazy four years with a good number of my favorites. I won't describe or post all of them, since most of them were simply odd curiosities, but I will be coming back to this thread repeatedly over time. Anyway, I'll get started with the clips on my Xbox DVR, so I can delete them and make some room for new games.

(And no, I won't embed any of them unless it's MOTW material. Spare you some bandwidth. lol)

  • If you kill the Taken bosses when you're not supposed to, does that open a time paradox? Let's say yes!
  • Doing a solo Daybreak strike, this was the lowest my health bar has ever been.
  • A classic BXR on OGRE1 and OGRE2. ;-)
  • A very unfortunate Dreg caught wind of my escape
  • Doing a Challenge of Elders, I managed to score almost 5000 points in less than a minute!
  • A scenario where I got real lucky. "If they didn't see me Artemis, they certainly didn't hear me!"
  • This was definitely a surprising case--of course this Vandal obviously spawns there on Heroic, but what amazed me the most is the damage output. 108,039 points! I can't even imagine how much that would drain on a boss!
  • One of the more infuriating moments of Destiny.

And finally, my (for the moment) coup de grace! Did you know you can 2-phase Regicide Oryx? I did. ;-)


Well, there's my first salvo; hope you guys enjoy. I will leave this particular post with some leftover strike endings--some solo, some group. All of which are particularly exciting to watch!

Accidental Perfection
As One
Burn Him!

Nice work!

by Claude Errera @, Sunday, March 18, 2018, 10:37 (2519 days ago) @ Morpheus

- No text -


Forgotten Visions Week 2

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Saturday, March 24, 2018, 19:14 (2513 days ago) @ Morpheus

Here are some more clips I've collected--I wanted to wait about a week or so before removing the first batch, as my Xbox Live storage is rapidly filling up. Pretty much all but one clip will be from YouTube, so that might make things a little easier.

Right off the bat, I want to thank everyone so much for popping in and watching; seeing the view counters raise higher than just the times I viewed it myself is always such a great lift to my spirits, and definitely a feel-good occurrence.

Alright, then! Let's get to the next group of videos!

This first one admittedly starts on a sour note; I certainly wasn't happy when it occurred.

I was doing Nightfall by myself, and as you'll see in the timer, I did not fare very well. However, I had a feeling that I could clinch this last battle in barely enough time to get Sunrise. As I launched an attack against Alak-Hul, his body suddenly went motionless. He never teleported, or sought cover, or even moved. There must've been some sort of glitch or somethi--



Apparently, he was playing dead. *facepalm* Ridiculous. Heh heh...

In this Taniks strike I was able to shoot out a Nova Bomb right as I died, so I was able to save that luckily!

Here's another clip where Taniks was damaged so heavily, he couldn't even step out of his grav lift!

I'm experiencing some deja vu here...

This is probably one of the funniest sticks I've ever gotten on Crucible. Afterward, I activated my Super at a decent time and luckily it didn't go to waste.

Apparently if Ma'aul charges at the wrong surface, some weird stuff can happen! :-)

Yes, Stormcaller is OP, but without it, I wouldn't be able to get multi-kills so high!

Speaking of that, I have a couple of clips of the Obsidian Mind in action. (Seriously, three Nova Bombs in 30 seconds!)
I guess you can say that's why it was nerfed so deeply. R.I.P. Obsidian Mind! You used to be OP, but now you're just "Oh, please."

And my last one for the night, I'll be embedding--to how many of you has this exact experience happened??

More incoming later in the week!


Additional Visions

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Monday, April 02, 2018, 17:23 (2504 days ago) @ Morpheus

Not gonna lie, this batch has a few more not-so-happy emotions tied to them. But you know what they say, every valley has two hills.

Anybody remember the Taken Commanders and Zealots that we had to kill for bounties? Having to wait 5, 10, 20 minutes for them to eventually show up, with no notification other than a text line? And the outcome of the final battle depended almost entirely upon who was there at the time? Well, no one was there this time. And Bungie was obviously watching when I was attempting this. How else would they explain the Taken Zealot teleporting—not once, or twice...but six times in less than a full second?

One thing I've never been able to forgive Bungie for was their spawning. Now I have another thing on that list: spawning the Taken.

I'll see if I can bring in more sometime this week!


More Visions

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Thursday, April 12, 2018, 13:36 (2494 days ago) @ Morpheus

Man, has this been a tough month! The car broke down, I've been super sick(turns out I have a cyst in my lung, gross) my mom threw her back out, and I found out the Sonic movie I've been waiting for my whole life has been pushed back to 2019.

Luckily I was able to get back here before the thread auto-locked, so it's all good.

  • Y'know how you get to Carnegie Hall, don't ya? Practice. ;-)
  • This is a great example of perfect teamwork-- we destroyed Malok in 20 seconds, and Omnigul almost instantly!!
  • This is the group that helped me get the last challenge I needed for Touch of Malice and the Book of Triumph, where we celebrated in the pits of Golgoroth and dashed through the Transept. Think I'd forgotten, Sched!? XD
  • And of course, there's the not-so-great moments. I have no idea how I barely managed to survive this, especially the surprise waiting for me on the other side.
  • This fight with Sepiks had me very upset. Double teleports, instant shields, disappearing cannons...I was furious.
  • But not as angry as THIS.

Come back soon for more!


Really, really makes me miss D1 ability frequency.

by Harmanimus @, Thursday, April 12, 2018, 18:18 (2494 days ago) @ Morpheus

Also, that was a grand stick. And I'm now sad we don't have Nothing Manacles in D2.

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