I finally rung those bells! Thanks everyone!
Poor Destroyo. Hope he had that achievement already, but his sacrifice was obviously worthy.
Great times tonight!
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D1 Has Platinum Trophies?
It certainly isn't Platinum difficulty...
D1 Has Platinum Trophies?
It certainly isn't Platinum difficulty...
To be fair, Cody did get Flawless Raider way back when that was an actual challenge...
This just in: D1 still lots of fun :)
Had a great time raiding with everyone last night! Ringing the bells and getting that final trophy (thanks to Destroyoboy’s sacrifice to the networking gods) was the perfect icing on the cake :)
This just in: D1 still lots of fun :)
Anything to help the team. :)
D1 Has Platinum Trophies?
It certainly isn't Platinum difficulty...
To be fair, Cody did get Flawless Raider way back when that was an actual challenge...
Flawless Raider is a HUGE challenge, one definitely worthy of a platinum trophy. Getting two or three of us to run the bells...well IMO it shouldn't even be an achievement, really. But it's ABSOLUTELY not worth platinum. I don't mean any ill will, congratulations are in order. It's just that the hardest part of that particular deal is finding people with good internet connections. ;-)
This just in: D1 still lots of fun :)
Hey guys I got the trophy!
Oh wait that was just Destroyo leaving the party.
Oh hey never mind I got the trophy!
+1, laughed at that.
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D1 Has Platinum Trophies?
It certainly isn't Platinum difficulty...
To be fair, Cody did get Flawless Raider way back when that was an actual challenge...
Flawless Raider is a HUGE challenge, one definitely worthy of a platinum trophy. Getting two or three of us to run the bells...well IMO it shouldn't even be an achievement, really. But it's ABSOLUTELY not worth platinum. I don't mean any ill will, congratulations are in order. It's just that the hardest part of that particular deal is finding people with good internet connections. ;-)
Oh, I see.
The Platinum Trophy is a "got all trophies in the game" trophy. Ringing the bells is a Bronze Trophy, but was apparently the final Trophy that Cody needed to 100% D1 (IIRC Platinum Trophies are only tied to the original Trophy List, so Cody likely got that long ago, since the bells are a DLC Trophy).
D1 Has Platinum Trophies?
The bell trophy is only bronze.
Cody was referring to the fact that on PS4 when you get all the trophies for a game, you get a platinum trophy for that game.
Ohhh...My Bad! Congrats, Cody!
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D1 Has Platinum Trophies?
It certainly isn't Platinum difficulty...
To be fair, Cody did get Flawless Raider way back when that was an actual challenge...
Flawless Raider is a HUGE challenge, one definitely worthy of a platinum trophy. Getting two or three of us to run the bells...well IMO it shouldn't even be an achievement, really. But it's ABSOLUTELY not worth platinum. I don't mean any ill will, congratulations are in order. It's just that the hardest part of that particular deal is finding people with good internet connections. ;-)
Oh, I see.
The Platinum Trophy is a "got all trophies in the game" trophy. Ringing the bells is a Bronze Trophy, but was apparently the final Trophy that Cody needed to 100% D1 (IIRC Platinum Trophies are only tied to the original Trophy List, so Cody likely got that long ago, since the bells are a DLC Trophy).
You are right!
There's a platinum trophy for the main game only, which I got on March 20th 2105 by fully unlocking the warlock subclass. The expansions all track trophies but have no platinum.
I actually have very few platinum trophies:
Life is Strange
N. Sane trilogy
The Witness
I hope Bungie takes this as a compliment that I spent enough time with Destiny to do this rare feat.
BY THE WAY, the only one I need to Platinum Des2ny is a prestige raid or nightfall…