
The Vanguard (Destiny)

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Sunday, September 15, 2013, 10:26 (4215 days ago) @ Durandal

The city might prefer small strike teams due to the lack of information. A large army would be very noticeable, and a clear threat to any equivalent force. Nor is a large force highly mobile, at least in today's conception. Even the USA's quick reaction forces are limited in the tonnage they can move on short notice.

By sending out small teams of Guardians, the City's forces keep a small foot print and potentially avoid stirring up a hornet's nest of enemies, any more then they already have if they have been under constant ground attack for centuries.

This actually makes me wonder, maybe all of the players in Destiny (at least the first one) will be members of the Vanguard. We're being sent out to complete small missions or scout out locations for the City.

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