
Community engagement. (Gaming)

by cheapLEY @, Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 23:39 (2548 days ago) @ Cody Miller

More than issues with the game, the way Digital Extremes talks to its community is something I wish Bungie would take note of.

Bungie built this fancy twitch studio and they use it twice a year to try and sell the new expansion. Why?

Remember last time? A scandal came up (was it the XP thing?), and they canceled the stream to address the issue in a write up. Why not address the issue in the stream? Because it's harder to ensure a stream is the carefully crafted bullshit you can get perfect in text? Give me something real--use that fancy new studio to actually talk to us, rather than using it for bad marketing.

It's pretty clear Bungie doesn't want to talk. They can't make changes fast enough for a meaningful dialogue to even take place. The way they are making the game just isn't really compatible with what people want in terms of communications.

I can totally accept that. But if that's the case, they should quit pretending that giving me a marketing pitch is engagement and communication.

Sorry, I don't want to turn this thread negative. I genuinely appreciate where Destiny is at right now. I'm perfectly happy playing for a few weeks every three or four months for expansions. I'm not looking for an accelerated content schedule or anything like that, I just want to feel like Bungie is being straight with me. While that's getting better so far this year, we're still not there yet, and Digital Extremes clearly takes that to a whole other level.

Mostly I'm still just confused by their streaming studio. They hyped it up like they were going to be doing cool streams, but so far they basically don't use it, and when they do it's pretty bad and lame and I feel like they're talking at me rather than to me. I feel like they're trying to sell me a Slap Chop.

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