Destiny 2 PC Players (Destiny)
So, originally PC was supposed to be a secondary platform. Lo-and-behold and it is my primary platform. But I have a very small base of folks to play with on it. This is usually not a problem for me. However, I've realized that I have one last Unicorn for Season 2. And that is: The Crucible Helmet Ornament.
I ask here because the general caliber of people is at a premium here. And I've had mixed results in other communities and LFG. Is there any active group of folks here or part of a clan that has a reasonable selection of folks online on a regular basis, or has D2PC just died down too much?
Have you joined the DBO PC clan?
There are 26 people there who may have an interest but may not notice a post here. I'm a member, but I don't have a PC that will run D2 (and I'm not sure I will). I should drop out, and certainly will if we get anywhere close to the cap.
Destiny 2 PC Players
I think I've finally got my GPU stability issues worked out, so if you're free later tonight (9PM Central, maybe) or tomorrow evening, I'd be down to give it a go.
Have you joined the DBO PC clan?
Don’t know why it didn’t cross my mind there would be a dedicated DBO PC clan. Prior clans I got invited to were always mixed. So, thanks.
Destiny 2 PC Players
Don’t know about to ight what with it being Easter, but I’ll definitely be on pretty regularly going forward.