
I'm a Titan that identifies as a Hunter? (Destiny)

by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Monday, May 07, 2018, 14:23 (2469 days ago)

This is another one of those posts that really has no purpose other than, I totally need a break from work and this forum is my go-to escape. So...

1. Thanks to all of you for being part of a fun forum that keeps me sane.

2. I'm a Hunter. From seeing the first clips of D1 and this hunter
I wanted that cloak and sleek mysterious character. After I had played D1 for a while with my hunter I decided to start up a Warlock. I didn't much like it so I started a Titan near the end of D1 life cycle. It was a blast. It was so much fun, especially in Crucible. Running around shoulder charging people, using my feedback fence, meleeing everyone. Anybody that came near me was pummeled.

When D2 came out, I started up my Hunter again. Then eventually a Warlock and again, didn't like it. Now I'm in the midst of building my Titan and again, am having a blast. So now there is a dilemma. Do I continue to main my Hunter or move over to a Titan. It feels like I have to stay loyal to my Hunter but man...it's really fun being a Titan.

Then there is my cosplay suit. I had fun making my Hunter armor. It was my first attempt at cosplay so It seemed like an achievable goal. The bucket list is to become Master Chief but my skills are still amateur. But, with SOME experience under my belt, it might be time to attempt a Titan. Considering I'm 6'4", 240, a Titan suits me way more than a Hunter.

So my questions:
Should I stay as Hunter or transition to Titan?
Does anyone else have identity issues with your characters?

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