THAB- Forsaken recap edition... (Destiny)
Not a whole lot of new info (just clarification) in this update. Still, if you missed the stream, it's a neat recap.
Did you see...
...my email about the MS sale?
I did now.
Hoo boy, that's tempting. I wonder if it means we'll see a Legendary edition of D2 on the way, which includes Forsaken, a la Taken King. IIRC, the first Legendary edition came out about three months before TTK (or rather, you could preorder it months in advance and get instant access to already-released content).
And if they announce that anywhere it would be E3.
The deal is good until Tuesday, so I'll definitely have my eye on that (assuming I don't impulsively buy it before then). Thanks!
Raid Lairs Explicitly Mentioned, Cody.
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Then it’s settled
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