
It was always a scam (Gaming)
Net neutrality was always an argument between content controllers such as google, YouTube, and Facebook vs the infrastructure owners about who pays for the internet.
It had little to do with our freedom, in so much that we are already being manipulated by t Google et all to provide more data in order to serve up ads and attention.
It’s much like cable tv packages. YouTube wants those who don’t browse their offerings to subsidize those that do. Ditto for the others. Right now that is the case, but Comcast could easily change that setup. A handful of websites account for the bulk of internet traffic. What would happen if you could get cheap net access if you were barred from those sites?
Complete thread:
- Savor your freedom online -
Cody Miller,
2018-06-07, 12:37
- It was always a scam -
2018-06-07, 19:44
- It was always a scam -
Cody Miller,
2018-06-07, 21:12
- Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. -
2018-06-07, 22:59
- Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. -
Cody Miller,
2018-06-07, 23:31
- Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. -
2018-06-11, 08:26
- Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. -
Cody Miller,
2018-06-11, 08:46
- Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. - Vortech, 2018-06-11, 10:11
- Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. -
Cody Miller,
2018-06-11, 08:46
- Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. -
2018-06-11, 08:26
- Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. -
2018-06-08, 07:21
- ^ This.
- MacAddictXIV, 2018-06-08, 07:53
- Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. - Malagate, 2018-06-08, 08:10
- ^ This.
- Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. - narcogen, 2018-06-11, 05:16
- Your taxes pay for Comcast's infrastructure. - Vortech, 2018-06-11, 08:24
- Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. -
Cody Miller,
2018-06-07, 23:31
- Comcast (or whoever) pays for your infrastructure. -
2018-06-07, 22:59
- Huh? - Blackt1g3r, 2018-06-08, 05:34
- Disagree - slycrel, 2018-06-09, 12:43
- It was always a scam -
Cody Miller,
2018-06-07, 21:12
- It was always a scam -
2018-06-07, 19:44