Music of the Spheres poetry part 1 (Destiny)
The exact text of my reddit thread:
First and foremost, Happy Bungie Day from myself (/u/OS_Epsilon) and /u/emblyne!! To celebrate the festivities, we have a surprise. It's no secret we've been working on content with Music of the Spheres. Well now, we are ready to release the first bit of our work. I present to you all, the first piece of the Music of the Spheres poetry by Malcolm Guite. Malcolm calls the collection "Seven Heavens, Seven Hells: A Sequence for the Spheres" and Malcolm is making a post on his blog I will be linking to when it's up.
Huge thanks to Moonvald and My Name is Byf for agreeing to narrate all 16 poems for us!
Obligatory "for those out of the loop". Music of the Spheres is the musical themes and foundation for the Destiny franchise. There are 8 pieces of music written by Martin O'Donnell, Mike Salvatori, and Paul McCartney. This music was not released until very recently despite having been ready to ship 5 years ago. What's not quite common knowledge is that Bungie hired a poet friend of Marty's to write poetry for this music which before today was not released.
Ladies and gentlemen, enjoy the first 2 poems, The Moon is Full.
(and if anyone doesn't know, yes I am the real OS_Epsilon).
EDIT 1 - almost forgot to mention. There's a PDF of a booklet with the poetry written in the video description.
This is fantastic.
I uploaded a local copy of the booklet, because MediaFire tried to install some malware when I grabbed it - but if that's a problem, I can take it down. (You're welcome to use this link instead. If I had more time, I'd shorten the URL a bit, while keeping the filename the same... but for now, it's working as is.) Link is in the newspost on the front page.
EDIT: url shortening fixed. This URL can be distributed:
Video link has been edited with your link :)
Dude Claude, it's an honor that you like it. You're one of those people Emblyne and I really look up to.
By the way, is there a way I can privately get in touch with you? Later this year we're going to be releasing a ton of files to the art assets, a new PDF booklet with ALL the poems, FLACs of the poems being read, etc. and we'd love to host them here instead of MediaFire. I'd prefer it if we can privately contact you and you can upload them before we post the final videos, and we can link here from the start.
Dude Claude, it's an honor that you like it. You're one of those people Emblyne and I really look up to.
By the way, is there a way I can privately get in touch with you? Later this year we're going to be releasing a ton of files to the art assets, a new PDF booklet with ALL the poems, FLACs of the poems being read, etc. and we'd love to host them here instead of MediaFire. I'd prefer it if we can privately contact you and you can upload them before we post the final videos, and we can link here from the start.
Absolutely. errera at bungie dot org is a fine address. I'm out of town right now (family emergency), but I have access to email, and I can set up an upload location for you when I get back next week.
Don't worry it'll be months before we need it :)
Malcolm Guite, the poet, responds
Malcolm Guite made a blog post about the poems and this video. It's worth a read.
Marty added this:
That's cool!
— Marty O'Donnell (@MartyTheElder) July 10, 2018
— Marty O'Donnell (@MartyTheElder) July 10, 2018
Malcolm Guite, the poet, responds
It's too bad Bungie owns those recordings. We may get Malcolm to do another take on them ourselves. Hell, maybe he can read "Earth's Enigmas", the little-known second set of Destiny poetry.
Also, I can say that Malcolm's blog post was intended to come out on our end. We even helped him write it.
Agree with Claude. Well done!
This was a great production. Out of curiosity, who was responsible for the background art? The animated Traveler symbol at the end is fantastic.
Agree with Claude. Well done!
Emblyne did all the video editing :)