
Collections preview (Destiny)

by Chappy, Arlington, VA., Thursday, July 26, 2018, 11:17 (2389 days ago) @ bluerunner

I was wondering about some of the older things it shows me missing, but now I see that according to this update it started collecting data for the collections with Warmind. Anything before that was not recorded.

"Your Collection will begin with every piece of gear that you were holding in inventory or within your vault upon the launch of Warmind. If you had dismantled an item prior to May 8, it will not be available within your Collections."

Note that subsequent posts from Bungie team members have clarified that some items began tracking in February, and that they were able to compile existing data to determine ownership for other items (notably most Eververse rewards). The line in the sand they're committing to for tracking is Warmind's release, but that's an "underpromise and overdeliver" statement; our collections will have a bit more than that when they're visible.

Check the new page on Destinysets.com to see what's actually been recorded.

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