
THAB 7.26.18 (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, July 26, 2018, 15:54 (2389 days ago)

The update is live.

They start by talking just a bit about Solstice of Heroes, and linking to their previous article about the event.

They link to the new trailer previewing new exotics.

Next up is the Combat Reveal Stream. Tuesday, August 7, 10 AM PDT, with Senior Sandbox Designer, Jon Weisnewski. They offer up a small preview of the stream:

Hello friends! If you’re a sharp-eyed PvP enthusiast, you may have noticed from some Forsaken coverage that the weapons are doing a bit more damage than they do in the current version of Destiny 2. If you’re a seasoned Destiny 2 player, you may then extrapolate the possibility of a global lethality pass on weapons and abilities that may or may not be in the pipe to go live when Forsaken is released. I’m here to quickly confirm that, along with weapon slots and ammo availability, we have globally adjusted the “time to kill” in the Crucible. If you’d like more details, join us on stream and we’ll get into it! See you then!

There's a new Crucible Labs in the works:

Lockdown is a new 4v4 round-based Competitive mode that, like Control, is about capturing and holding zones. Unlike Control, your only score comes from playing the objective. Those of you from the Taken King/Rise of Iron era know this mode’s predecessor, the Control variant “Zone Control.”

A more detailed description is in the THAB. The mode is live now.

Following that is a report about the Cabal drill incident on Io. No bug was found, the random generator just sucks. They're looking into improving it. Also, the quest will be available every week, and once you have the Heroic version unlocked it'll always be on your map.

The updated roadmap follows, with a bit of new info for Forsaken:

There will be three ways to acquire Powerful Engrams in Forsaken:

  • A whole new challenge system that will replace the way you have been tracking milestones.
  • Specific quests and bounties will provide better gear, indicated by their summaries.
  • New mysteries are rarer sources—but if we told you about them, they wouldn’t be mysterious.

Most of those refresh weekly or daily, some are one time only.

An event schedule for August is posted:


They then talk about the new Grimoire book. Looks awesome!

There's a call to action to answer a User Research Questionnaire, with the possibility of an in-studio playtest. If you live in the area, seems like a cool opportunity.

New Monarch won the Faction Rally.

Player Support Report and Movie of the Week end the THAB as always.

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