Yar! "A Diabolical Sceme" for the Prestige Raid Requirement (Destiny)
Hello All! I've been thinking (which is never a good sign :P) about how I'm going to achieve three Leviathan Prestige Raid completions within the next two weeks. As a result, I've come up with a mutually beneficial solution for anyone with, or thinks they will soon have a Purple Solstice of Heroes Armor, and would like to attempt and get it Masterworked.
This idea requires as much of the forums participation as possible. In my head I have us doing this on the last week, which gives the most time for those of us who will be close to getting Purple Solstice of Heroes Armor. Ultimately the timing of this is deferred to the average of our time schedules. I look forward to the responses to this, to see if this week would be tenable as well.
With all the minutia out of the way...
"A Diabolical Sceme" for the Prestige Raid Requirement:
Step 1 "Find the Purple Whale" - We need a group of Forum Raid Super-Pros to get the Throne room on Prestige, then stop. The earlier in the week the better. You may already know where I'm going with this.
Step 2 "Embrace a Sailors Life" - Spread that Instance. Friday deadline. As I recall, only the Host needs to have the instance on character, but I see no harm in redundancy here.
Step 3 "A Weekend Orgy with Head Lasers" - Saturday/Sunday Kill Prestige Calus with your requisite armor piece on.
Step 5-7 "Profit" - Disband (because Bungie Hates fun) into groups of three. Complete any Nightfalls and Heroic Strikes as Needed.
... and it OBVIOUSLY will be as easy as that. Thoughts?