Polygon details new Clan perks. (Destiny)
This article over at Polygon talks about new Clan rewards we'll see.
This bit caught my eye:
"The weekly clan milestone engram will offer players a guaranteed Masterwork Core — a valuable resource for upgrading their weapons — at rank six."
I'm super curious how the rumored longer grind will feel. Regardless, hype intensifying.
Polygon details new Clan perks.
I'm super curious how the rumored longer grind will feel. Regardless, hype intensifying.
Yeah, it's hard to gauge right now without any sense of what 1 masterwork core actually is in the new system. 1 core per week right now would be a big nothingburger, but perhaps the new masterwork "levels" system takes 1 core per level? That wouldn't necessarily make 1 core more significant than it is now in terms of percentage progress from "no masterwork" to "full masterwork," but it might FEEL more significant since you'd take a distinct step with each core acquired.
Polygon details new Clan perks.
Something like 17 cores across levels 6-10