
THAB 8.23.18 (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, August 23, 2018, 15:42 (2387 days ago)

The update is live.

They show the new Cayde trailer, and a trailer for the Gambit preview on September 1.

Forsaken will need a patch on the day of launch. Servers will go down for maintenance at 7AM PDT, with the patch expected to be available shortly thereafter. Forsaken will launch at 10AM PDT.

The raid gets a release date--the September 14th.

They explain the economy for new gear mods. Seems like they might be more rare than their Y1 counterparts. If you dismantle gear with a mod equipped, you keep the mod.

Lots of patch notes for next week's patch. Interestingly (and annoying, if I'm honest) Xur will no longer appear on the map, and he is no longer tied to the Flashpoint destination. Also, Fated Engrams will only grant Y1 exotics (which seems fair).

Player Support Report, Movies of the Week, and Nightfall scores as always.

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