
So . . . weapon slot changes. (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, August 28, 2018, 22:48 (2355 days ago) @ cheapLEY

In Crucible... I did well, but wasn't at all thrilled about it. For the first few matches about all I said over chat was "Oh look! I have a heavy!" as I melted people with Telesto over and over again. Later into the night people started figuring it out and I occasionally got melted or shotgunned. But that's about it. Primary battles were almost not a thing. Even melee is almost gone. As more and more people figure it out, Destiny 2's Crucible will be about special weapons and only special weapons. And that sucks.

The new weapon slots also had a couple of big negatives:

1. My standard Crucible load out of a medium to long range Pulse or Scout rifle + a Sidearm + Fusion Rifle is now impossible as far as I can tell. All Fusion Rifles take the slot of my Sidearm. So... I'm not thrilled about that.

2. I really really feel like the Power Weapon slot is almost a useless after thought now. I mean... why should I bother even glancing at the Heavy Ammo when I already have a Telesto and most enemies will drop me more ammo just by using my Telesto on them? Rockets are nowhere near as good as they were in the D1 days. Swords are a big risk now that everyone has either a Fusion Rifle or Shotgun pointed my way... and I can't snipe worth a damn. Before this update, hearing Shaxx laugh as I got heavy ammo was inspiring. Now... it's just a bad joke.

All in all, I liked Destiny 2's primary focused Crucible. But now that's gone. I can still compete but I will probably be playing PvP a whole lot less once everyone figures out that Special Weapons alone are the new meta.

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