
Asher statue (Fan Creations)

by Hobo, Wednesday, September 05, 2018, 22:19 (2345 days ago)

Hey guys,
I'm super stoked about this little project I just finished. I sent in pictures to the creations page on Destiny.net but they are taking forever to show up. So I thought I would share them with my fellow clan members.

Title: "Vengeance Exacted"
Asher, "Bring me its arm. I wish to hang it in a place of honor. If it's been destroyed, bring me the ashes. I have constructed and urn for them."


It took me a while to get it started but I'm glad to at least have it done by the end of season 2 or like I said to someone else by the end of its relevance. Unlike my Exo Stranger short film I still need to make... Used Magic Sculpt epoxy putty and sintra for the arm.

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