
Speculation Saturday #5: The Gameplay (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Sunday, September 29, 2013, 20:17 (4201 days ago) @ Ragashingo

- On top of that core it feels like Bungie is going to give us a lot of new gameplay features. The most immediate being Aiming Down the Sights for all guns.

I don't remember seeing them confirm this, did they confirm this?

- In addition to the new ADS support it looks like we’re going to get a lot more movement options in Destiny. Between sprinting, sliding, and using travel fueled powers to hang in the air or blink forward it seems we’re going to be very mobile in Destiny. In multiplayer I think this will mean that pinning down a Guardian is going to be a lot tougher than keeping your aim on even a sprinting Spartan. Will multiplayer games of Destiny be more about wearing down an enemy with the occasional hit, or will these powers be on long cool downs so you’ll use them once and then be vulnerable?

I'm hoping they'll be on moderate cool-downs.

Bungie is going to have to be very careful with weapon balance though. Personally I grumble at Halo 4’s grenade damage and quicker reload perks for “breaking” classic Halo’s every starts equal gameplay. It may not even break it that much, but its the principle of the thing! One impression that I get though is that Destiny has been in testing for a lot longer than perhaps ANY of the Halo games. They say its in alpha, but we’ve seen and have read about them having play tests even back before Pathways out of Darkness. I get the sense that Destiny is going to be polished to a delightfully smooth gem of a game by the time we get our hands on it.

So you think they'll do it better?

It will be interesting to see just how close to the Warthog, Scorpion, Ghost, and Banshee Destiny gets though. I fully expect vehicle related easter eggs. :)

Are you a bad enough Guardian to find the Golden Pike?

- Player attributes. We’ve seen references to shields, health, and armor but we have no real understanding of how any of it works or works together.

Here's one: the motion tracker. We don't know its range or how it indicates vertical distance, if it even does that.

- Special abilities. We’ve seen what maybe seven so far. Destiny isn’t going to last its intended ten years with only seven abilities.

why not?

- And what about story? We know there will be cutscenes, but could they perhaps be tailored around three Guardian fire teams instead of just treating each player as the Master Chief?

why three fireteams?

BTW I think it's criminal that there hasn't been much response to these lately

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