A timely Raid post (Destiny)
We're now half way through September, the first fireteams are already working their way through the Last Wish raid, and I still haven't done Spire of Stars. Before I create a FTB event, is there a night of the week that tends to work better for the Xbox crew? I've dabbled in a few sections of the raid at one point or another, so I'm not totally blind on it. But I will still need some guidance on what the best strategies are for each section, if anyone is willing.
If there's a night that seems to work better, I'll create an event in the FTB :)
A timely Raid post
I haven’t finished Spire either, so I’d be interested. Any night works for the most part. I have Thursdays off from work, so Wednesday nights are particularly well if we’re going to go late.
A timely Raid post
Generally, Any night before a weekend works for me. I’m available week days after 6-6:30 if I don’t overwork.
A timely Raid post
I'd also be interested as someone who hasn't tried it out. Monday/Thursday nights tend to be better for me
A timely Raid post
I'm interested and free Saturday night. I'm busy Sunday and Wednesday night, but other then that I would love to run it. I've done it but never got around to finishing it.
A timely Raid post
If you do it Saturday (tonight) I'm in regardless. Sign me up yourself. Any other day I'm probably in if it's not too late except Wednesday (but I won't say no in advance).
Thanks everyone! I’ll post an event soon.
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A timely Raid post
I’m in the same boat.
Right now weekends would be best. But if not that, then earlier in the week is better. (How is this even a retail life anymore?)