Which Hunter Tree should I do? (Destiny)
So I did my Main Warlock first. Got 2 Seeds of Light. Got my Titan up to 500, but level 48. Now got to do my Hunter this week, but what Super would you who have done them yet suggest? Looking for fun/utility more than anything else.
Fire Knives.
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Triple-damage deflecto stick.
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Fire Knives or New Nightstalker bladedancer
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Fire knives. Such a satisfying Super
The new melee ability is also pretty damn cool.
Which Hunter Tree should I do?
The new gunslinger tree is great. The super is pretty much a hunter nova bomb, but with a little practice you can spread it out over a large group of enemies. Pretty much like a super powerful shotgun. It does a lot of damage to bosses too. I recently got the Shards of Galanor exotic gloves that give back super energy on hits and kills from the super. I can get super chains going pretty easily during public events.
The throwing knife does burning damage, and reduces your melee and dodge ability cooldown if you kill the burning enemy. The knife can kill multiple enemies if they are close together, and the cooldown buff stacks. I've found the knife is good for breaking shields too. If you have Ophidia Spathe exotic chest, you get 2 knives. That makes the cooldown buff stack more and you will almost always have knives ready. Run it with brawler active and you can clear a mission or strike with just knives.
So far that stick don't deflect nuttin.
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Fire knives it seems to be. Thanks!
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Only twirl it long enough to pick up the damage buff.
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Speaking of damage buffs . . .
How do they stack?
If you stand in a Warlock’s Well of Radiance and shoot through the new Titan shield, what happens?
Solar Hunter is everything I dreamed it to be.
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I'm in love with Way of the Wraith
Most folks have heard me singing praises for the new Void hunter, but I'll plug it again here. Slow/Poison smoke bomb? Check. Truesight and invisibility granted on a crouched precision kill? Check. Extended melee range and enemy weakening (think Melting Point) after Flawless Execution? Check.
It's the only subclass I've found that encourages patient sniping in a way that works for me, and also leverages scouting and stealth. Going invisible and knowing just where to position yourself for more kills, or to sneak up on unsuspecting enemies is fantastic. It works well in crucible and especially in Gambit as an invader. I'm just waiting for Bungie to drop an exotic that will extend the Super with kills...