Your leveling progression (Destiny)
So I am at 516 right now, having only done a couple milestones this week. So I basically have nearly all of this week's to do.
People who are farther along: how quickly are you progressing?
I ask because blind raids are coming up, and I am wondering if it is at all feasible to go from 516 to 550 in two weeks' worth of milestones. I'm guessing no? How long is this going to take? Anyone close enough to be able to tell me approximately how fast this happens?
Is ANYBODY going to be 550 by the first blind raid?
If anybody needs things like nightfall milestones or anything in the dreaming city, join up with me tonight!
*Cough* *Cough*...Chapp*Cough*y
Is ANYBODY going to be 550 by the first blind raid?
Chappy has it down to a science at this point. All three characters above or basically at 550.
Your leveling progression
Light level 542.
I have done all the milestones/weekly bounties since release. I was stuck at 533-538 for what felt like forever. I kept getting the same slot drops only a point or so higher.
I think if you do every milestone for your character between now and the raid you should be at least 530 or so. Iron Banner on Tuesday night alone jumped me up to 540 from 533 just from the bounties, crucible milestones, etc. And I have not planned which engrams to get first, based on the different Tier of Powerful engrams. I just play what I want.
Assuming that Raid light levels work like the rest of Destiny, being 20 under is tough but not impossible.
I am not stressing TOO much about being ready for the Raid. As eager as I am, I just can't be stressing about it. I will get the raid done with some of you guys, and it will be a blast, just can't go week to week clenching my teeth hoping to be ready.
EDIT: Backwards light levels.
Chappy? Tips plz :-)
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Your leveling progression
I am not stressing TOO much about being ready for the Raid. As eager as I am, I just can't be stressing about it. I will get the raid done with some of you guys, and it will be a blast, just can't go week to week clenching my teeth hoping to be ready.
Ok. I will try my best and stay up late tonight, and play all Sunday.
Anyone up for Iron banner tonight?
Your leveling progression
Definitely! I have my prestige raid scheduled, which may get pushed back to a time for you to help =]
I need to knock out some other milestones for the week tonight as well
Your leveling progression
Seems like I've been doing about 15 levels a week since hitting 500. Not too much of a slowdown at 520 either. I am also saving my exotic weapon bounties (including Warmind ones I haven't done yet, esp. Sleeper) until right before our raid date, or if that particular weapon slot is way behind.
Also, there is some sort of quest/bounty series you get from turning in an Oracle offering to the Queen while Ascendant that gives you an unconditional damage buff mod for the Dreaming City (unlike Riven's Curse), so those might be useful to offset a low-level.
Your leveling progression
Seems like I've been doing about 15 levels a week since hitting 500. Not too much of a slowdown at 520 either. I am also saving my exotic weapon bounties (including Warmind ones I haven't done yet, esp. Sleeper) until right before our raid date, or if that particular weapon slot is way behind.
Hate to burst your Bubble BUT the Sleeper Simulant did not drop at my light level. IIRC I think my Sleeper may have dropped at 380 when I was 500+.
Your leveling progression
This should be correct. They capped exotic quest drops to the max of their relative release, iirc.
Your leveling progression
That wasn't true for Curse of Osiris or Warmind (where I did a similar thing), but too bad! At least I can still do it with Ace of Spades or Chaperone.
Your leveling progression
This should be correct. They capped exotic quest drops to the max of their relative release, iirc.
This is true. Worth mentioning though that EP weapons drop close to your current level. They won’t help you level up, but if you’re lucky enough to get a weapon drop, it’s nice to know that you won’t need to infuse something into it.
Maybe its just bugged for me >.<.
Jokes aside, I have 0 Drops in 20+ runs.
Par for the course, it seems :(
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Your leveling progression
I need to knock out some other milestones for the week tonight as well
See you tonight!
Your leveling progression
This should be correct. They capped exotic quest drops to the max of their relative release, iirc.
This is true. Worth mentioning though that EP weapons drop close to your current level. They won’t help you level up, but if you’re lucky enough to get a weapon drop, it’s nice to know that you won’t need to infuse something into it.
Is still need the shotgun. Maybe we can have an EP night next week. Almost did it with three the other day, so it should be a cinch with 4+.
Chappy Leveling Info
While everything that can increase your level is described as a "Powerful Reward", not all powerful rewards are equal. In fact there are at least 5 different kinds of powerful rewards that are defined by their soft cap. If your overall light level is below the soft cap, the item can be from 1 to 5 more than your overall light level (or even more if you're doing an activity while significantly under-leveled). If you are above the soft cap, the item will be 1 more than your overall light level.
520 Soft Cap Rewards:
- Daily Strike, Crucible, Gambit and Heroic Adventure
- Weekly Strikes, Crucible, Gambit, and Heroic Story
- Ikora's reward for 20 bounties
- Clan rewards
- Spider's Heroic Bounty
540 Soft Cap Rewards:
- Nightfall
- Nightfall 100k Score
560 Soft Cap Rewards:
- Petra's Weekly Challenges
- Petra's Ascendant Challenge
- Iron Banner "Powerful" Bounties
580 Soft Cap Rewards
- Tier 4 Blind Well
600 Hard Cap Rewards
- Individual Clan XP contribution
- Prime Engrams
- Exotic Engrams and Quests
I haven't included where the raid rewards fit to avoid spoilers, but it's safe to say that the raid is very good for leveling.
Your current overall light level will determine if a reward will be a +1 or a +5 improvement to a random piece of equipment. There's no fixed optimum order in which to do things - it's a probability game. So you need to choose between pursuing a +1 or a +5 reward; whichever has the better probability of improving your overall light level.
I'll provide an example of how this works in practice
This is my 558 Titan's highest level gear:
Primary 561
Energy 560
Heavy 562
Helmet 557
Arms 553
Chest 562
Legs 553
Class 559
A +1 reward will bring a piece of equipment up to 559, so only my Helmet, Arms, or Legs would see an improvement. If the Helmet went to 559, it wouldn't quite be enough to raise my overall light level, but if the Arms or Legs went to 559, that would make the difference and raise my overall light level.
A +5 reward will bring a piece of equipment up to 563, so every slot would see an improvement. If the Helmet, Arms or Legs went to 563, that would raise my overall light level.
So there's a 25% chance that a +1 would be Arms or Legs, and a 38% that a +5 would be Helmet, Arms or Legs. Given a choice, I should do a +5 next (though unless it hit on one of those 3 pieces of gear, I'll probably need more than one powerful reward before I see an overall power increase).
If you're trying to maximize your power level increases, you should do this math after every powerful drop to decide what reward you should do next. If you are in desperate need of a kinetic power increase, you can do an exotic quest to target that increase (Ace of Spades or Chaperone).
Also remember that this is all dependent on RNG; if your luck is bad you can get really stuck. I went almost an entire week waiting for a class item; eventually it dropped 17 levels higher from a +1 because everything else had had multiple drops.
Your leveling progression
Also, there is some sort of quest/bounty series you get from turning in an Oracle offering to the Queen while Ascendant that gives you an unconditional damage buff mod for the Dreaming City (unlike Riven's Curse), so those might be useful to offset a low-level.
These are the Purification Ritual bounties. I've gotten 5 of them so far, but only 3 were doable.
Yep. My first weapon dropped on my 25th boss kill.
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My first dropped on my 30th.
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(My only.)
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I have fewer than 20 completions and have all the guns.
I'm sorry! sort of
Your leveling progression
So I am at 516 right now, having only done a couple milestones this week. So I basically have nearly all of this week's to do.
People who are farther along: how quickly are you progressing?
I ask because blind raids are coming up, and I am wondering if it is at all feasible to go from 516 to 550 in two weeks' worth of milestones. I'm guessing no? How long is this going to take? Anyone close enough to be able to tell me approximately how fast this happens?
Is ANYBODY going to be 550 by the first blind raid?
If anybody needs things like nightfall milestones or anything in the dreaming city, join up with me tonight!
I am now 550 on 2 of my 3 characters. My Warlock is still down around 520, but I haven't done any of this week's challenges/milestones/whatever they're called with her yet.
I had been finding the climb above 520 quite slow, but then I had a lucky couple days with my Titan and jumped from 531 to 547 within 24 hours. So who knows. RNG is RNG ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Your leveling progression
So I am at 516 right now, having only done a couple milestones this week. So I basically have nearly all of this week's to do.
People who are farther along: how quickly are you progressing?
I ask because blind raids are coming up, and I am wondering if it is at all feasible to go from 516 to 550 in two weeks' worth of milestones. I'm guessing no? How long is this going to take? Anyone close enough to be able to tell me approximately how fast this happens?
Is ANYBODY going to be 550 by the first blind raid?
If anybody needs things like nightfall milestones or anything in the dreaming city, join up with me tonight!
I am now 550 on 2 of my 3 characters. My Warlock is still down around 520, but I haven't done any of this week's challenges/milestones/whatever they're called with her yet.I had been finding the climb above 520 quite slow, but then I had a lucky couple days with my Titan and jumped from 531 to 547 within 24 hours. So who knows. RNG is RNG ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Looking at all these responses, I am pretty much resigned to being completely fucked out of a blind raid this time given that I am 523 with all milestones done this week. I'm super disappointed, but what am I gonna do.
Don’t forget Prime Engrams.
If there’s nothing else you actually want to do, it’s not exactly helpful.
But I’ve been having so much fun just playing the game, jumping through activities. I get a Prime Engram or two every play session, and those are always large jumps (or have been for me). They help a lot. So if you just want to play Gambit or whatever, you can still keep getting Powerful drops at a pretty decent rate.
But if you’re going to play JUST to get Prime Engrams, I’m sure it’ll be an exercise in frustration.
Chappy Leveling Info
Do you know where the gambit powerful reward bounty fits in?
Unfortunately, there's a difficult gap between 541 and 560. The raid remains quite challenging due to the level difference at 541, but there aren't too many opportunities get up to an equal level.
I have fewer than 20 completions and have all the guns.
I'm sorry! sort of
I got one of each weapon on my 4th, 5th, and 6th completions. Sorry, not sorry ;)
523 is high enough to start
It'll probably be difficult but you can damage the enemies. Why not jump in with a blind group even if you know you won't finish?
523 is high enough to start
It'll probably be difficult but you can damage the enemies. Why not jump in with a blind group even if you know you won't finish?
528 now. I guess we will see.
Got the shotgun on my very first run, then nothing +30x.
Across two consoles...