Your leveling progression (Destiny)

by TheeChaos @, Friday, September 21, 2018, 11:02 (2332 days ago) @ Cody Miller
edited by TheeChaos, Friday, September 21, 2018, 11:28

Light level 542.

I have done all the milestones/weekly bounties since release. I was stuck at 533-538 for what felt like forever. I kept getting the same slot drops only a point or so higher.

I think if you do every milestone for your character between now and the raid you should be at least 530 or so. Iron Banner on Tuesday night alone jumped me up to 540 from 533 just from the bounties, crucible milestones, etc. And I have not planned which engrams to get first, based on the different Tier of Powerful engrams. I just play what I want.

Assuming that Raid light levels work like the rest of Destiny, being 20 under is tough but not impossible.

I am not stressing TOO much about being ready for the Raid. As eager as I am, I just can't be stressing about it. I will get the raid done with some of you guys, and it will be a blast, just can't go week to week clenching my teeth hoping to be ready.

EDIT: Backwards light levels.

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