Cayde's not dead! (Destiny)
It looks like Bungie forgot to re-record strike dialogue. Cayde is alive and well in the old strikes. Lazy? Or have we been in the infinite forrest the whole time?

(>ლ) CodyPost™
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Cayde's not dead!
It looks like Bungie forgot to re-record strike dialogue. Cayde is alive and well in the old strikes. Lazy? Or have we been in the infinite forrest the whole time?
Old strikes are viewed as a look at that moment in time and do not reflect the current status of the universe.

Schrödinger's Exo
It looks like Bungie forgot to re-record strike dialogue. Cayde is alive and well in the old strikes. Lazy? Or have we been in the infinite forrest the whole time?
I thought that when Bungie added the "meditations" they were canonizing the idea that replaying content means remembering it rather than actually redoing it.
Although that never applied to strikes...
NPCs in public events remark that when those events repeat, the enemies are "new" because "when you kill them, they stay dead" so those are definitely repeated...
It's not as if there is any internal consistency on these issues in Destiny. At. All.

Cayde's not dead!
I could have sworn they had said something prior to Forsaken about doing exactly that, though (recording different dialogue). Maybe I've got that wrong.

Schrödinger's Exo
It looks like Bungie forgot to re-record strike dialogue. Cayde is alive and well in the old strikes. Lazy? Or have we been in the infinite forrest the whole time?
I thought that when Bungie added the "meditations" they were canonizing the idea that replaying content means remembering it rather than actually redoing it.Although that never applied to strikes...
NPCs in public events remark that when those events repeat, the enemies are "new" because "when you kill them, they stay dead" so those are definitely repeated...
It's not as if there is any internal consistency on these issues in Destiny. At. All.
Missions, Strikes, and Raids are all considered "moments in time". You're not necessarily replaying them as meditations anymore though I believe.

Cayde's not dead!
I could have sworn they had said something prior to Forsaken about doing exactly that, though (recording different dialogue). Maybe I've got that wrong.
I believe they did that with anything located in Patrol mode.

Cayde's not dead!
I recall them specifically saying they didn’t record new dialogue for old strikes. I think it was in all that Game Informer coverage somewhere.

Cayde's not dead!
It looks like Bungie forgot to re-record strike dialogue. Cayde is alive and well in the old strikes. Lazy? Or have we been in the infinite forrest the whole time?
As others have mentioned, Steve Cotton and Scot Taylor addressed this before Forsaken launched. The didn't take him out of any of the Red War story, and strikes are considered "moments in time", but they did remove him from patrols.
Their exact response is at 5:50-6:53 of this video: https://www.gameinformer.com/exclusive-podcast/the-game-informer-show/2018/07/27/answering-destiny-2-forsakens-lingering

Cayde's not dead!
It looks like Bungie forgot to re-record strike dialogue. Cayde is alive and well in the old strikes. Lazy? Or have we been in the infinite forrest the whole time?
As others have mentioned, Steve Cotton and Scot Taylor addressed this before Forsaken launched. The didn't take him out of any of the Red War story, and strikes are considered "moments in time", but they did remove him from patrols.Their exact response is at 5:50-6:53 of this video: https://www.gameinformer.com/exclusive-podcast/the-game-informer-show/2018/07/27/answering-destiny-2-forsakens-lingering
Considering they have an in universe explanation for the Dreaming City three week cycle, I'd have thought they'd have addressed this. I get it. It's just amusing that Cayde was right: even though he's dead it's not the last you'll hear from him.
Dinklebot gets erased even though he doesn't die, yet Cayde lives forever…

Schrödinger's Exo
Although that never applied to strikes...
NPCs in public events remark that when those events repeat, the enemies are "new" because "when you kill them, they stay dead" so those are definitely repeated...
It's not as if there is any internal consistency on these issues in Destiny. At. All.
Missions, Strikes, and Raids are all considered "moments in time". You're not necessarily replaying them as meditations anymore though I believe.
The Leviathan raid isn't that way since Bungie came up for a reason that we can kill Callus over and over.
That's not necessarily true in the Dreaming City based on the dialog this week and the dialog if you repeated any of the previous missions last week. Though I don't think those come up as daily missions so maybe they're just different. I suspect the new raid is similar.

Schrödinger's Exo
Although that never applied to strikes...
NPCs in public events remark that when those events repeat, the enemies are "new" because "when you kill them, they stay dead" so those are definitely repeated...
It's not as if there is any internal consistency on these issues in Destiny. At. All.
Missions, Strikes, and Raids are all considered "moments in time". You're not necessarily replaying them as meditations anymore though I believe.
The Leviathan raid isn't that way since Bungie came up for a reason that we can kill Callus over and over.
Kinda... its clever for the main Raid. But doesn't work for either of the Lairs.
Cayde's not dead!
Dinklebot gets erased even though he doesn't die, yet Cayde lives forever…
Wait, you mean over the last 3 years they've evolved the way they deal with out-of-game disruptions? HOW COULD THEY?

Cayde's not dead!
Dinklebot gets erased even though he doesn't die, yet Cayde lives forever…
Wait, you mean over the last 3 years they've evolved the way they deal with out-of-game disruptions? HOW COULD THEY?
I actually don't think that's what Cody meant.
It just feels unfair that Dinklebot is gone. I miss him.

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Cayde's not dead!
Dinklebot gets erased even though he doesn't die, yet Cayde lives forever…
Wait, you mean over the last 3 years they've evolved the way they deal with out-of-game disruptions? HOW COULD THEY?
I actually don't think that's what Cody meant.It just feels unfair that Dinklebot is gone. I miss him.
Good thing he lives because I recorded him:
But I missed ONE freaking line. See if you know which one!

Too soon, Ikora...
It looks like Bungie forgot to re-record strike dialogue. Cayde is alive and well in the old strikes. Lazy? Or have we been in the infinite forrest the whole time?
I laughed during the mission (which was in the heroic list last week) as part of the Red War, where you have to hack the cabal ship out on the platform, then defend it as Ghost works on it. One point Cayde says (paraphrase) "I don't hear any dying down there so I guess your doing ok." and Ikora responds (paraphrase) "well...some guardians know how to stay alive."
Ooof, Ikora. Hows that foot taste?
Cayde's not dead!
Dinklebot gets erased even though he doesn't die, yet Cayde lives forever…
Wait, you mean over the last 3 years they've evolved the way they deal with out-of-game disruptions? HOW COULD THEY?
I actually don't think that's what Cody meant.It just feels unfair that Dinklebot is gone. I miss him.
I get that. I miss him too. My point was that Bungie dealt with Dinklage's situation one way, and Fillion's a different way. It's not about fairness - it's about recognizing that the community was unhappy with their initial solution.
That is: you can look at this as "unfair" -but it's unfair in exactly the same way that the oldest sibling in any family has the most unreasonable upbringing - parents learn from their mistakes, and try not to repeat them with subsequent children. An oldest child can look at the results and say "that's unfair!" - but if you ask most ADULT oldest siblings (and of course I'm talking about well-adjusted families, so don't even start throwing dysfunction at me), they'll tell you it's reasonable that their brothers and sisters had it better BECAUSE their parents learned from them.
I see Dinklage/Fillion in the same light. And I see Cody's response as the response of a 13-year-old oldest sibling, not a 35-year-old one.

Too soon, Ikora...
It looks like Bungie forgot to re-record strike dialogue. Cayde is alive and well in the old strikes. Lazy? Or have we been in the infinite forrest the whole time?
I laughed during the mission (which was in the heroic list last week) as part of the Red War, where you have to hack the cabal ship out on the platform, then defend it as Ghost works on it. One point Cayde says (paraphrase) "I don't hear any dying down there so I guess your doing ok." and Ikora responds (paraphrase) "well...some guardians know how to stay alive."Ooof, Ikora. Hows that foot taste?
I'm really annoyed that I typed "your" instead of "you're" and have missed the deadline for editing.

Cayde's not dead!
That is: you can look at this as "unfair" -but it's unfair in exactly the same way that the oldest sibling in any family has the most unreasonable upbringing - parents learn from their mistakes, and try not to repeat them with subsequent children. An oldest child can look at the results and say "that's unfair!" -
Not if they are the ONLY child as well. In that case it's super fair :-)
But I kinda know why they didn't get a Dinklage soundalike: I think they wanted to distance themselves from his performance since it was generally regarded by fans and critics as weak.
Too soon, Ikora...
It looks like Bungie forgot to re-record strike dialogue. Cayde is alive and well in the old strikes. Lazy? Or have we been in the infinite forrest the whole time?
I laughed during the mission (which was in the heroic list last week) as part of the Red War, where you have to hack the cabal ship out on the platform, then defend it as Ghost works on it. One point Cayde says (paraphrase) "I don't hear any dying down there so I guess your doing ok." and Ikora responds (paraphrase) "well...some guardians know how to stay alive."Ooof, Ikora. Hows that foot taste?
I'm really annoyed that I typed "your" instead of "you're" and have missed the deadline for editing.
lol - when I read it, I came THIS close to fixing it, because it bugged me... but walked away because it's not really my place. ;)

Too soon, Ikora...
It looks like Bungie forgot to re-record strike dialogue. Cayde is alive and well in the old strikes. Lazy? Or have we been in the infinite forrest the whole time?
I laughed during the mission (which was in the heroic list last week) as part of the Red War, where you have to hack the cabal ship out on the platform, then defend it as Ghost works on it. One point Cayde says (paraphrase) "I don't hear any dying down there so I guess your doing ok." and Ikora responds (paraphrase) "well...some guardians know how to stay alive."Ooof, Ikora. Hows that foot taste?
I'm really annoyed that I typed "your" instead of "you're" and have missed the deadline for editing.
lol - when I read it, I came THIS close to fixing it, because it bugged me... but walked away because it's not really my place. ;)
I make typos on here all the time because I'm typing so fast I don't want to forget my thought, or because I'm at work and don't want to dilly dally about but it kills me when I make the "your, you're" and "there, their, they're" type mistakes.

Too soon, Ikora...
It looks like Bungie forgot to re-record strike dialogue. Cayde is alive and well in the old strikes. Lazy? Or have we been in the infinite forrest the whole time?
I laughed during the mission (which was in the heroic list last week) as part of the Red War, where you have to hack the cabal ship out on the platform, then defend it as Ghost works on it. One point Cayde says (paraphrase) "I don't hear any dying down there so I guess your doing ok." and Ikora responds (paraphrase) "well...some guardians know how to stay alive."Ooof, Ikora. Hows that foot taste?
I'm really annoyed that I typed "your" instead of "you're" and have missed the deadline for editing.
lol - when I read it, I came THIS close to fixing it, because it bugged me... but walked away because it's not really my place. ;)
If someone here ever makes the 'lose' vs 'loose' mistake, fix it right away because that is figuratively the worst and my brain automatically thinks someone is an idiot if they do that.
Unless English is your second or third language, in which case you have my understanding.