Cayde's not dead! (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Thursday, October 04, 2018, 10:54 (2344 days ago) @ narcogen

Dinklebot gets erased even though he doesn't die, yet Cayde lives forever…

Wait, you mean over the last 3 years they've evolved the way they deal with out-of-game disruptions? HOW COULD THEY?

I actually don't think that's what Cody meant.

It just feels unfair that Dinklebot is gone. I miss him.

I get that. I miss him too. My point was that Bungie dealt with Dinklage's situation one way, and Fillion's a different way. It's not about fairness - it's about recognizing that the community was unhappy with their initial solution.

That is: you can look at this as "unfair" -but it's unfair in exactly the same way that the oldest sibling in any family has the most unreasonable upbringing - parents learn from their mistakes, and try not to repeat them with subsequent children. An oldest child can look at the results and say "that's unfair!" - but if you ask most ADULT oldest siblings (and of course I'm talking about well-adjusted families, so don't even start throwing dysfunction at me), they'll tell you it's reasonable that their brothers and sisters had it better BECAUSE their parents learned from them.

I see Dinklage/Fillion in the same light. And I see Cody's response as the response of a 13-year-old oldest sibling, not a 35-year-old one.

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