If you don’t have Rat King, let’s earn you one. (Destiny)
And if you do, why aren’t we running it in Gambit? It’s that good. So, standing offer, let’s have some fun.
Well. You have a time for this date?
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Reminder. 2*XP Starts Tomorrow for Gambit.
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Thanks. Gave me a fun use for it right away
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Any time you see me.
Truly. I'm on for good stretches most nights, and I'm happy to help others in the same way people drag me through things I have no idea how to complete, like Ascendant Challenges. (PS - Thanks Wu/Speed!!)
Any time! It was a blast running that all night.
As we noted multiple times, as long as the team is disciplined about running together, you almost can't stop it.
Take You Up On That!
Personally, I’m stuck on the Patrols step—I did three with a full fireteam, but they apparently “uncounted”. My controller doesn’t work with my microphone of course, but until I get to a raid step, I’ll be good.
Thanks for the help!