Shattered Throne: Quick Boss Kill [video] (Destiny)
A few weeks back, several of us were discussing the Shattered Throne final boss, and how to get through the fight quickly.
At the time, I didn’t have a saved video of my fastest completion, which I’d estimated was somewhere in the 30-40 seconds range.
Last night I joined Robot Chickens and Rellekh about half way through the Dungeon, and played through to the end with them. It was their first time through. They were in the 590s and 570s power levels, respectively (if I remember correctly). I was 600. II gave them a real brief overview of the final boss before we jumped in. I basically said “kill the knights as close together as possible, then burn the boss”.
This was our very first attempt:
Not as fast as my previous completion, but it’s a good illustration of a basic strategy to get through the fight quickly. The tethers were crucial, because they trivialized most of the ads in the room. Chickens was wearing Orpheus Rigs, so hitting the 3 Knights with 1 tether would instantly refill his super. Plus all the orbs gave me multiple supers. A hammer Titan w/ shoulder charge, or a Celestial Nighthawk Hunter would in place of my stormcaller could have sped things up significantly.
Hope this helps anyone who is struggling with that encounter :)