Sorry! (Destiny)
To be fair, you labeled your post about as clearly as it could be labeled. For some reason, though, between your post title and the title of Raga's response, I decided it was a fake spoiler warning for a funny fan-made video that would totally be spoilery IF it were real. Oh well.
Complete thread:
- Oh my god . . . huge spoiler, Black Armory cutscene *SP!* -
2018-11-27, 19:44
- Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! *SPOILERS!* -
2018-11-27, 20:02
- Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! *SPOILERS!* - cheapLEY, 2018-11-27, 20:24
- Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! *SPOILERS!* - Dust223, 2018-11-27, 23:25
- I really REALLY wish I hadn't clicked this. - MacAddictXIV, 2018-11-28, 06:30
- What A Twist!! (yep...major spoiler) -
2018-11-28, 09:38
- What A Twist!! (yep...major spoiler) -
2018-11-28, 09:47
- What A Twist!! (yep...major spoiler) - Kermit, 2018-11-28, 10:01
- What A Twist!! (yep...major spoiler) -
2018-11-28, 09:47
- TIL: *SP!* doesn't mean Sarcasm! Who knew! /s -
2018-11-28, 13:41
- TIL: *SP!* doesn't mean Sarcasm! Who knew! /s - ManKitten, 2018-11-28, 14:44
- Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! *SPOILERS!* -
2018-11-27, 20:02