You’ll Have To Read That To Us!
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+1 for fireside stream
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Mine too!
I love it and can't wait for more!
I was imagining about twice as many illustrations, but the ones we got are amazing!
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Mine is stuck on amazon. No shipping date. :(
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Good luck, it's sold out everywhere.
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Santa can just make more, Cheapley!
Santa can just make more, Cheapley!
He better put those elves to work. It took Bungie four months to make seventeen copies, apparently. (:
I repeatedly pointed the pre-order out to Santa
But got a lot of eye-rolls so we'll see. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hey, look what showed up!
So, one of my biggest worries was that Bungie never really told us what we were buying! Well, mine came in and I'm very happy with what we got:
- It’s bigger than I thought it would be. Roughly the size of a 13 inch MacBook Pro screen. Leather bound with nice soft black leather on the front and back. It’s got one of those paper lower third “covers” made of a nice thick paper.
- The pages are thicker than normal. It’s more parchment than regular book paper. They’re a bit yellowed and have a nice heft to them.
- There’s roughly 10 - 15 pieces of art, all done in a sketched style. Most are of the Hive or Oryx though there are a few Guardians (Jaren Ward, Dredgen Yor, etc…)
- A lot of the Grimoire cards can fit on one page. Occasionally they go to two columns to fit a card. Some cards, like the Thorn and The Last Word transcripts can spill over two or more pages front and back.
- The type is nice and readable.
- There was one single “card” concerning the Drifter. I’ve probably read it before but I’ll check on it later. It talks about The Man with the Golden Gun and Dredgen Yor not being the monster he is made out to be. Mentions Callum as well.
The stories covered are as follows:
Books of Sorrow
The Last Word and Thorn
Rezyl Azzir
The remnants of Thorn (The Guardians who were trying to remake Thorn and were being watched by Shin Malphur + A note from Callum)
A Vacancy (A trio of messages from Toland concerning our decision not to take Oryx's place as the head of the Hive)
I'm glad it came out well... and that now we kinda know what the next one will be like. Hopefully it doesn't take half a year from order to delivery like this one did!
Hey, look what showed up!
According to Amazon, this'll be back in stock on the 22nd.
Hey, look what showed up!
I ended up getting mine yesterday, way ahead of schedule. Looking forward to leafing through it to see what I might have missed or forgotten.