Wondering what all of the day's events are in Destiny? (Destiny)
Then visit TodayInDestiny.com!
Reddit user JpDeathBlade and others(?) made a comprehensive list of all of the day's individual activities, as well as their rewards and challenges.
Supposedly they'll be fleshing it out, but it's pretty great as-is.
(Also includes guides for Heroic Events, A Wishing Wall (whatever that is), and Catalysts.)

Thank The Lord. I Mean Light! Light.
It was so annoying having to load up the whole game and find that crap out! I still mix up the menus on the pause and back button, waiting for everything to LOAD...
I love when people put stuff together like this.

Well I WAS having fun...
...playing black armory, until I went to forge a weapon and the recommended power was 615. I'm 560.
I reckon I'll mozy back on over to Saint Denis.
Well I WAS having fun...

Well I WAS having fun...
I guess so...