
Heads up: there’s a frustrating bug in Black Armory (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Saturday, December 08, 2018, 07:38 (2278 days ago)

Vague, structural spoilers ahead:

It looks like the primary progression path through Black Armory involves receiving “weapon frames” from Ada-1. Each of these frames is upgraded through a little grindy quest chain, and finalized by completing a run through one of the Forges. This will complete the frame and turn it into one of the new Black Armory weapons.

There appear to be 4 Forges that are unlocked as you progress. Each forge has 2 unique weapon frames tied to it.

Here’s where the bug comes in:

If you have multiple frames in your inventory that you’re working on simultaneously, and then you go to one of the Forges to complete one of your frames, any frames in your inventory that are tied to the other Forges will be deleted, with no way to retrieve them.

So for the time being, complete those weapon frames one at a time. Don’t start working on a new one until you complete what you already have.

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