How is Forge matchmaking this broken? (Destiny)
Maybe it's just Izanami forge, because I don't remember having this problem before this week, but I am constantly getting dropped into Forge games by myself, with no other players added until time has already run out because I can't manage three islands of adds by myself. It's been so consistent, that I can pretty much count on this happening for my first attempt to clear the forge. Usually, though, if I let the game throw me into the next match, I actually get a full team and all is well.
Today, however, things went a little differently...
My first game, I drop in, turn around aaand...Holy Crap!!! I have teammates!!! High five!
(You can skip the first 14 seconds of all three of these.)
Oh, you just forgot to leave matchmaking before another round started? It's cool. I usually don't get to play until the 2nd game anyway.
Second attempt, and what do you know? This time I'm dropping into a game-in-progress, but at least I have teammates.
So the previous player has cleared the forge, collected his rewards, and left, but the game decides that since the countdown hasn't started, these two Guardians desperately need backup and I'm just the guy for the job. Neat. And since I didn't even get to SEE the Forge Warden, they're not going to count this as a win for this pulse rifle frame I'm working on. Super-neat.
OK, so time wasted with two non-games in a row, but it can only get better from here, right?
Another join-in-progress, but this time I drop in with ZERO batteries thrown and ZERO seconds on the clock. Awesome.
I finally got to play a full game, with teammates, on my FOURTH attempt at matchmaking. I scored a Rampage/Outlaw Blast Furnace for my troubles, but that's not the point. I can at least sort of understand getting dropped into a match solo. The quest chain to unlock this forge was tedious enough that I don't want to do it on my other two characters, so maybe enough people didn't feel like completing it that the player pool is a bit smaller than it is for the other forges. Still, I'd be willing to wait another 30 seconds to get a team together. Right now matchmaking is giving up WAY too fast.
But why would matchmaking add me to a game where the boss has already been killed? I think the problem is that the transitions between stages are taking WAY too long. Enemies stick around LONG after that final battery has hit the forge and the end-of-activity countdown doesn't start for a good 15 seconds after the boss has been killed.
And why does the game automatically throw you back in the queue for another round? I don't know anyone who runs Forge just to run Forge. Most people (as far as I'm aware) and working toward some kind of objective, very likely a weapon frame, that has to be taken back to Ada to complete and pick up the next frame after a successful forge ignition anyway. If you DO want to just keep running Forge, the game drops you right next to the forge when you exit anyway, so all you have to do is hold a button to jump right back in.
Sorry. Just needed to vent after a really stupid string of matchmaking issues. On the plus side, as rampant as AFKers are supposed to be at this point, I have yet to encounter a single one while playing in the Forge. Sooo, that's a win :)