
Video Game Consistencies (Gaming)

by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Sunday, January 27, 2019, 14:52 (2134 days ago)

What are some of your favorite video game consistencies?

For instance, some of mine are

GTA series:
Every time you are passing a vehicle, there is another vehicle approaching in the other lane at the exact same time. This even happens in RDD.

Destiny Series:
Every time you exit your sparrow and begin to run, your sparrow veers in front of you stopping you in your tracks, no matter which side you disembark or which direction you run.

When your task is "Eliminate 20 enemies" the space will be full of guardians killing everything in sight.
When your task is "Eliminate Tarduuk the Bone Devourer" all you see are tumbleweeds.

When you're goofing around, planets are lousy with materials.
When you pick up the bounty to collect materials...nothin.

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