
Experimenting with a new Gambit loadout (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, February 08, 2019, 18:33 (2214 days ago)
edited by CruelLEGACEY, Friday, February 08, 2019, 18:38

Just for the heck of it, I tried jumping into Gambit using my competitive weapons (Luna’s Howl and Mountaintop). By sheer dumb luck, I’ve stumbled into not just a new loadout that I really like, but an entirely different approach to playing Gambit.

In the past, my ideal Gambit loadout has looked something like this: Sleeper or Thousand Voices in the heavy slot, Ikelos Shotgun, and whatever primary I’m in the mood for (usually a bow or pulse rifle). My favourite subclasses are typically Hammer Titan or Chaos Reach warlock, due to their high boss DPS potential. My approach would be to use my primary weapon for general Add clearing, Shotgun for blockers, Power weapon for invading/countering invaders, super for bosses.

I’m often fairly successful in Gambit, but this setup does often leave me in situations where I feel a bit stuck. I’m not much use invading if I don’t have heavy ammo, clearing blockers is a pain if I’m out of shotgun ammo, and if I get to the boss without my super, I’m not going to be dishing out much damage. And because each element of my loadout is dedicated to a specific use, I’m hesitant to change things up (use heavy to clear blockers, for example) as it will inevitably leave me vulnerable or ineffective in the near future.

That’s where this new loadout is different. I don’t rely on Heavy ammo for anything. I use my primary and secondary weapons for basically everything. Both are great for clearing Adds and blockers, and thanks to all the practice I have with them in the crucible, I’m quite effective invading and countering invaders with them. They also happen to do great boss DPS for their respective slots. I pair them up with an Orpheus Rig Teather so that I gain a frequent, multi-purpose super. All of this works together to create a build where I feel far more flexible than before, all without ever requiring heavy ammo. This shift seems to help my team quite a bit, too. Since I can consistently invade and score 2-4 kills without using Heavy ammo, my teammates are free to collect all the heavy over the course of each round. And that means that by the time we summon our Primeval, we usually have enough heavy ammo as a team to burn it quite quickly.

I cut together a few clips to show what I’m talking about. The real highlight is that none of these clips involve using heavy ammo:


I don’t think the specific weapons that I’m using are particularly crucial to this play style... they’re just the ones I’ve found effective. I’m curious if anyone else has come up with any Gambit loadouts that are similarly flexible without depending on Heavy weapons?


That final four was lovely.

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Friday, February 08, 2019, 20:45 (2214 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

- No text -


Experimenting with a new Gambit loadout

by cheapLEY @, Saturday, February 09, 2019, 22:03 (2213 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I haven't played Gambit in a while. I haven't really found a loadout that I like that isn't reliant on Heavy for Boss DPS.

I am partial to running Orpheus Rigs Tether. It's great for feeding orbs to teammates and ensuring everyone has a Super when it comes time to burn the boss. It's not amazing during Boss phase, but it does help burn the Envoys pretty fast, and it usually keeps them from moving around too much and hiding behind pillars.

I usually roll with Bygones and a shotgun (either EP or Retold Tale). I haven't played Gambit since Black Armory, so I'll definitely be experimenting with some of those weapons the next time I go in there. Jotunn seems like it would be a cool option in there (not that I have one of those yet). I wonder what Izanagi's Burden might do, both against Guardians and for boss DPS.

Experimenting with a new Gambit loadout

by Claude Errera @, Sunday, February 10, 2019, 12:16 (2212 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I usually roll with Bygones and a shotgun (either EP or Retold Tale). I haven't played Gambit since Black Armory, so I'll definitely be experimenting with some of those weapons the next time I go in there. Jotunn seems like it would be a cool option in there (not that I have one of those yet). I wonder what Izanagi's Burden might do, both against Guardians and for boss DPS.

I can attest - Jotunn is a fantastic option. Works great for add/blocker clear, you're not helpless if you're heavy-free and you're invaded (I haven't tried it for invading; the charge-up time might be a problem), and it's great for Envoy/Primeval damage. I mean... it's no Sleeper, but it's a solid workhorse at the end of the round.


Experimenting with a new Gambit loadout

by cheapLEY @, Sunday, February 10, 2019, 13:29 (2212 days ago) @ Claude Errera

Getting to the Primeval with no effective way to do DPS is the biggest problem I face when I played Gambit. Our invaders usually grab the Heavy before going over. I wear Heavy Ammo Finder where ever possible, and it works reasonably well, I think, but there are still enough instances where I go into the Primeval with no Heavy, and then I can't really do much.

So having something that's still reasonably effective, even if it's no Sleeper, seems like a good option. And it would let me carry something like Crooked Fang for fending off invaders decently well.

Experimenting with a new Gambit loadout

by CougRon, Auburn, WA, USA, Monday, February 11, 2019, 00:47 (2211 days ago) @ Claude Errera

I got a lucky Jotunn drop a few days ago and I took it into Gambit this weekend and I have to say I’m in love.

Not as good at blocker kills as a few close range shotgun kills it’s still a solid option as I have problems half the time when I go in close. This lets me standoff a little ways and fight effectively.

But what really got me was my invader kills with Jotunn. I think I got more this weekend then the previous several weeks. Certainly had some spectacular tags. I remember one that was up close and probably came as a surprise to him. I got several mid-range too.

It definitely also felt like it did a great job at envoys and pretty decent at the primevil. biggest problem was I would keep burning out of ammo before I knew it and I couldn’t always seem to judge my aim effectivelyfor the semi-tracking shots.

Who are these people you play against?

by ChrisTheeCrappy, Monday, February 11, 2019, 06:25 (2211 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Seriously, they let you jump around above them, use their super above your Primeval, where there is almost 100% chance of a tether, and come at the invader when they have 15 motes. I mean, wow.

But that's a good idea for the load out. As you said, it requires being close to them, but that is generally possible. Now to get my mountain top.


Who are these people you play against?

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Monday, February 11, 2019, 11:59 (2211 days ago) @ ChrisTheeCrappy

Seriously, they let you jump around above them, use their super above your Primeval, where there is almost 100% chance of a tether, and come at the invader when they have 15 motes. I mean, wow.

But that's a good idea for the load out. As you said, it requires being close to them, but that is generally possible. Now to get my mountain top.

Heh, well I conveniently left out all the moments when I invaded and was instantly melted by the 3 Linear fusion rifles all trained on my position ;)

Who are these people you play against?

by ChrisTheeCrappy, Monday, February 11, 2019, 12:09 (2211 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Well of course. But I NEVER get people that clueless, literally ever.



by Durandal, Tuesday, February 12, 2019, 11:57 (2210 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I've had really good success with Jotunn. You need the special ammo plus fusion rifle reserves, but the ability to destroy the larger enemies and blockers from range is very good, and it is very effective on invaders.


by ChrisTheeCrappy, Wednesday, February 13, 2019, 06:56 (2209 days ago) @ Durandal

Yea I was running a SNiper, Jotunn and HammerHead last night. Got my Malfeasance in 4 games, only because other people were jumping through the portal so they could not get kills.

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