Calling all DBO Comp players (Destiny)
I have this crazy thought, and I'm wondering if anyone else here is as crazy. I'm thinking I'd like to give an honest to god try at acquiring Not Forgotten. I managed to solo-queue my way to Luna's Howl, but there's no way I'm getting Not Forgotten that way. But if we had a DBO team that was regularly going into comp together, learning how to work well together, I think we'd actually have a decent shot. Probably not this season (I doubt we'd have enough time left). But maybe if we started right at the beginning of next season and put it a couple good nights per week on average... it doesn't seem that impossible to me.
So, is there anyone here who might be interested in giving this a try with me? I've already got 1 friend who would probably be interested (Bloomer). Thoughts?
Calling all DBO Comp players
I ain't top tier, but I might be willing the season after. Prob can't next season as I have too many life events.
Calling all DBO Comp players
Count me interested, although I'd reserve the right to give up if things started going like they did with my Season 3 Claymore attempt. I just want be careful about the time I spend playing this game.
Calling all DBO Comp players
It seems my schedule is sporadic when it comes to playing with friends but I'm down for joining in. I doubt I would be available every night but feel free to throw my name in the hopper of crazies. I'm always down for joining a group (it's just a shame that the invites always seem to come right as I'm logging off.)
Calling all DBO Comp players
Play on PlayStation and I’m in :-p
Sounds fun, wrong platform, not comp tier. GL! :D
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Calling all DBO Comp players
I've loved Comp every time we've gone in there. Genuinely have had blast.
I'll say that I'm interested, with a condition:
I'd want at least a decently firm set night(s) of the week, or at least some advanced planning. Mainly, I just don't want to get locked into feeling obligated to grind Competitive every night for a month. If we pick a few nights a week to do it regularly, I'm totally in. If that's not realistic, I completely understand. Raiding has taught me that it's extremely difficult to balance schedules.
Also, you've played with me enough to know how good I am at the game--you'd be far better served to find stronger players than me. (:
Calling all DBO Comp players
I’m down. Love playing with you and bloomer!
Calling all DBO Comp players
Junior would love to be part of this if it works with his schedule/time zone.
Calling all DBO Comp players
I like comp better then quickly, actually, so I'm generally in, but I'm also maybe too under-geared on Xbox? I dunno. Keep me in mind, I guess.