Calling all DBO Comp players (Destiny)
It seems my schedule is sporadic when it comes to playing with friends but I'm down for joining in. I doubt I would be available every night but feel free to throw my name in the hopper of crazies. I'm always down for joining a group (it's just a shame that the invites always seem to come right as I'm logging off.)
Complete thread:
- Calling all DBO Comp players -
2019-02-11, 11:58
- Calling all DBO Comp players - ChrisTheeCrappy, 2019-02-11, 12:09
- Calling all DBO Comp players - squidnh3, 2019-02-11, 12:54
- Calling all DBO Comp players - ManKitten, 2019-02-11, 13:34
- Calling all DBO Comp players - Cody Miller, 2019-02-11, 14:02
- Sounds fun, wrong platform, not comp tier. GL! :D - slycrel, 2019-02-11, 15:58
- Calling all DBO Comp players - cheapLEY, 2019-02-11, 17:21
- Calling all DBO Comp players - Argent_17, 2019-02-12, 02:18
- Calling all DBO Comp players - Oholiab, 2019-02-12, 12:19
- Calling all DBO Comp players - Vortech, 2019-02-12, 14:43