"Music of the Spheres: Golden Age Anthology" is out (Destiny)
Hey guys, today we’re finally releasing the poems that were made by Bungie for Music of the Spheres. For those who are unaware, Music of the Spheres was the music album written by Marty O’Donnell, Michael Salvatori, and Paul McCartney in 2012. While the music was recently finally released, there was a portion of Music of the Spheres that never came out. That portion was a set of 14 poems that would have been included in the Music of the Spheres CD as liner notes. The poems were written for Bungie by Malcolm Guite, and they were based on the esoteric themes that inspired Music of the Spheres and Destiny’s mythology.
After we got ahold of the poems, we made a series of videos with the poems being narrated by MyNameisByf, Moonvald, and Malcolm himself. After a year in the making, you can now go to mots.bungie.org to see the videos of the poems, download the lossless tracks we made for them, and to download a PDF booklet we made with the poems in it. We’ve been working on this for a long time and we’re exciting to finally share this with the world. We present to you, the Golden Age Anthology.
Direct link to YouTube playlist - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOqbUJ583yg&index=1&list=PL5AEO04MqT1M6klGOl8CA-_Nb6y7pQiCh
Special thanks to Claude Errera for building the website.
"Music of the Spheres: Golden Age Anthology" is out
This is awesome. Thanks again for everything you’ve done surrounding MotS. Everything about MotS is really incredible, and I’m glad it all finally saw the light of day.
Glad to see this stuff out there finally.
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so excited for this! thank you for all your efforts!
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